Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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 Depending on the theme and creative aesthetics, Nonô's poems are divided into large areas:

1 - Worldly Poetry – airy, positive poems, social analyses, and objective views on everyday life and the reality that surrounds us.

2 - Catharsis of Words – Poems with a heavier character with a more aggressive component. When I speak to distill some gall.

3 - Platonic Loves – Poems about idyllic and unreachable love.

4 - Childhood Reborn – Poems that awaken the inner child that exists in all of us.

5 - Haikus – Poems of three lines of Japanese origin, centered on the here and now.

6 - Christmas – Poems about everything that involves the festive season that is celebrated in the month of December and extends until January 6th.

7 - Quartains – Small blocks influenced by city living.

8 - Soul Mate – A new paradigm of love poems. Achievable at any time.

9 - Micro Stories – are stories with and, because they are based on real facts, but that always have some invention in between. They are Micro because they usually do not exceed 500 words.

10 - Dialogue between poems – Poems that are born from other poems by various authors.

11 – Quarentena – Incluí todos os poemas escritos durante o estado de emergência originado pela Pandemia do Covid-19.

These are for now the main themes in development (work in progress). However, as it is a creative process at any time, new themes and expressions may emerge.

Para criar imagens com palavras utilizo o programa wordart disponível online na seguinte página / To create images with words I use the wordart program available online at the following site:

Catharsis of Words
Catharsis of Words
Childhood Reborn
Childhood Reborn
Dialogue between poems
Worldly Poetry
Worldly Poetry
Platonic Loves
Platonic Loves

Soul Mate


Some of the images I use are photographs, adjusted, of my mother's paintings.


Lotus flowers






Nonô Poetry


The first was created in 2019 by Nonô herself.


This is most current version of the Nonô Poetry logo.

Nonô's Pink Color is:

Red (Vermelho) 235

Green (Verde) 70

Blue (Azul) 211

Hex Color#eb46d3 

The separator of the Haikus I write is an animated gif created with three photographs of the process of building a 5000-piece puzzle that I had the privilege of gathering with the help of my mother whose painting is written by the Japanese artist Haruy Morita.

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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