Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2022

Worldly Poetry Poetic Tertulia

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Worldly Poetry Poetic Tertulia

Hello, in this third week of November I invite you to a poetic tertulia around my third published book "Worldly Poetry Volume I".

 Poesias da Nonô

Some important aspects of the work and the theme to " Worldly Poetry Volume I":

I will begin, as has become customary, by telling you about some important aspects of the work and the theme of " Worldly Poetry Volume I":

1 - This book was published in August 2022.

2 - It is a self-published book.

3 - It is Nonô's third individual book.

4 - It is available on Amazon.

5 - It includes one hundred and fifty poems by me under the theme Worldly Poetry.

6 - It has been revised more than once. Its revision took more than two months. A lengthy and challenging process.

7 - It was supposed to have been published on my birthday, August 15, but due to difficulties in getting the formats right it was necessary to rethink the date (It was published between August 13 and 21).

8 - It is one of the books I have been looking forward to publishing since 2015.

9 - This book has not been sent to any publisher.

10 - This book can make a positive impact on your life.

11 - Depending on the version - the page numbers are:

Bilingual 406

Portuguese 186

English 183

12 - The cover photo was taken at Forum Almada.

Maria Leonor Costa

13 - The content of the book is in color.

14 - The Nonô  logo and the Worldly Poetry theme illustrate this work.

Logótipo Poesias da Nonô
Logótipo Poesias da Nonô
Logótipo Poesias Mundanas

15 - This is the third book of my authorship and was published and released in August 2022.

I have thus recorded fifteen curiosities about Worldly Poetry, a theme that in the publication of its first volume gave rise to six books.

Tertulia reading some of the poems:

The reading of the poems is accessible only to those who watch the video.

Uni-Verse Marathon

The Uni-verse Marathon began on November 1st and continues until November 30th on social networks. Search @poesiasdanono so you can watch it!

 I say goodbye for Today

To contact me my email address is:

I will return with a new article here on the Poesias da Nonô blog next Friday, available from 6 a.m. onward, I hope I can count on you. Until then I will update daily the social networks, Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest and TikTok, since inspiring people is my mission!

On Fridays I also usually update YouTube and TikTok with videos and an audio "podcast", Anchor on Spotify.

If this article was helpful, or inspiring in any way, I appreciate you sharing so that more people can be inspired.

I say goodbye with our usual greeting "bye bye"!

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

Tertúlia Poesias Mundanas

 Posso ler este artigo para ti?




Tertúlia Poesias Mundanas

Olá, nesta terceira semana de novembro convido-vos para uma tertúlia poética em volta do meu terceiro livro publicado “Poesias Mundanas Volume I”.

Poesias da Nonô 

Alguns aspetos importantes da obra e do tema a “Poesias Mundanas Volume I”:

Começo, como já se tornou habitual, por vou-vos falar de alguns aspetos importantes da obra e do tema a “Poesias Mundanas Volume I”:

1 – Este livro foi publicado em agosto de 2022.

2 – É um livro auto publicado.

3 – É o terceiro livro individual da Nonô.

4 – Encontra-se disponível na Amazon.

5 – Inclui cento e cinquenta poesias da minha autoria subordinada ao tema Poesias Mundanas.

6 - Foi revisto mais de uma vez. A sua revisão levou mais de dois meses. Um processo moroso e desafiante.

7 – Era para ter sido publicado no meu dia de anos, 15 de agosto, mas por dificuldades em acertar com os formatos foi necessário repensar a data (Foram sendo publicados entre dias 13 e 21 de agosto).

8 – É um dos livros que tenho ansiado por publicar desde 2015.

9 – Este livro não chegou a ser enviado a nenhuma editora.

10 – Este livro pode fazer um impacto positivo na tua vida.

11 – Consoante a versão – os números de páginas são:

Bilingue 406

Portuguesa 186

Inglesa 183

12 – A fotografia da capa foi tirada no Fórum Almada.

Maria Leonor Costa

13 – O conteúdo do livro é colorido.

14 – O logótipo da Nonô e da temática Poesias Mundanas, ilustram esta obra.

Logótipo Poesias da Nonô
Logótipo Poesias da Nonô

Logótipo Poesias Mundanas

15 - Este é o terceiro livro da minha autoria, e foi publicado e lançado em agosto de 2022.

Registei assim quinze curiosidades sobre Poesias Mundanas, um tema que na publicação do seu primeiro volume deu origem a seis livros.

Tertúlia de leitura de algumas poesias:

A leitura dos poemas, estão acessíveis, apenas aqueles que visionarem o vídeo.

Maratona Uni-Verso

Começou no dia 1 de novembro e continua a decorrer até ao dia 30 de novembro, nas redes sociais, a Maratona Uni-verso. Procura @poesiasdanono para poderes assistir! 

Despeço-me por Hoje

Para entrar em contacto comigo o meu endereço eletrónico:

Regresso com um novo artigo aqui no blogue Poesias da Nonô na próxima sexta-feira, disponível a partir das 6h00 da manhã, espero poder contar contigo. Até lá atualizo diariamente as redes sociais, Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest e TikTok, uma vez que, inspirar pessoas é a minha missão!

Às sextas-feiras costumo também atualizar com vídeos o YouTube e o TikTok e com um “podcast” áudio, o Anchor do Spotify.

Se este artigo foi útil, ou inspirador de alguma forma, agradeço a partilha para que mais pessoas possam se possam inspirar.

Despeço-me com o nosso habitual cumprimento “adeeeuss”!

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2022

Recitry - "Seasoned Olives"


From the fusion of the word’s recipe and poem, an unfamiliar word, "recitry ", emerged in my head.

"Recitry” thus became a recipe in the form of poetry.

People who follow me, already know that this kind of fusions has happened in my creations, such is the case of "Storyem" and "Newsoetry".

Today the "recipe" is about "Seasoned Olives". I hope you will try it and then come back to tell me about it.



Written Poem
Seosened Olives

Worldly Poetry - Volume I

Last week I made a video of the launching session of the book "Worldly Poetry - VolumeI", available on Amazon, in its different versions. This is my third book, if you are interested to know more hit the link here.

Nonô Poetry

4.7 Marathon

The marathon 4.7 is still running on the social networks of Poesias da Nonô (more details here). To follow, click on the links for the different networks that are available on the sidebar here on the blog.

Nonô Poetry
To contact me, here is my e-mail:

I hope to be able to count on you next Friday, here on the Poesias da Nonô blog, day of a new article, available from 6:00 am onwards.

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2022

“Poesias Mundanas / Worldly Poetry -Volume I” Release Session

Three books by Nonô Poetry and one of them in six possible versions:

So it is, we reach August 2022 and Nonô has managed, overcoming all challenges, limiting beliefs and adversities, to publish, to this day, three books: - "Animais Poéticos" (Poetic Animals) a solidarity book in favor of the association Acreditar - Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Cancer, with a preface by Luísa Ducla Soares - Flamingo Publishing - in May 2021.

Poesias da Nonô

2.nd - Antologia M.ª Leonor Costa (Nonô), Anthology, coleção dispersos (scattered collection), In-finita Publishing - in July 2021 (Book available at the National Library of Portugal)

 Poesias da Nonô

3.rd - Release session of "Poesias Mundanas / Worldly Poetry - Volume I" - self-published at Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing - one book in six versions - in August 2022:

Finally, here it is, the birth of my third child, still a baby. Despite all the challenges and adversities, I made it! I predisposed myself to publish, on Amazon, my third book of poetry.

My wish was to have it published on August 15, 2022, the date of my 47th birthday, but it was not possible.

On August 5, 2022, I had already told you about this topic (to read what I wrote you can press here).

Worldly Poetry is, for the reader, more than a book of poetry, it is a friend to accompany you everywhere, or keep available on your bedside table. An advisor within a click's reach in the case of an electronic book (e-book), or in paper format.

This is volume I of this theme, in addition to the 150 (one hundred and fifty) poems that this book includes, there are many more to compile and make accessible to the public who so wish. By this I mean that the first volume will be followed by more volumes on this theme.

Here can be read positive poems about daily life, social analyses, objective views, and cute poems about the reality that surrounds us.

This book is the result of a lot of work, a lot of dedication, affection, and creativity, I am enormously proud to be able to make this content available, which, I am sure, will inspire all those who want to read it.

All the poems compiled here can also be viewed "online" through the links at the bottom of each text.

Best wishes and happy reading!

The covers:

I show below the covers of the book or e-book, in their different versions, and disclose the link where you can, if you wish, purchase.

There are six children simultaneously. The book is the same, but in the Portuguese English, Portuguese-only, or English-only version. In paper format (printed book) or e-book (electronic book): bilingual Portuguese-English version - "Poesias Mundanas / Worldly Poetry - Volume I"

Printed Book  

Poesias Mundanas


Poesias Mundanas

2.nd Portuguese-English version - "Poesias Mundanas / Worldly Poetry - Volume I" 

Printed Book 

Poesias da Nonô


 Poesias da Nonô

3.rd English version - "Worldly Poetry - Volume I"

Printed Book

Nonô Poetry


Nonô Poetry 

Can I read this article for you?



This is only the first book published in a series included in Nonô Poetry collection.

After having achieved this feat, more books, of this and other themes, will come. Because inspiring people is my mission.

That's all for today, if you want to contact me, I leave here my e-mail

Until next Friday, here on the Nonô Poetry blog, a new article, starting at 6 a.m.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

Contactar com a Nonô / Get in touch with Nonô


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