Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Women. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Women. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2021

"Angelic Love Cupid" in Childhood Reborn - May 2021 - Women's Month



Nonô Poems

Angelic Love Cupid

Happy and cheerful

Loves playing

With her bow and arrow

Always ready to fire.


Knows no limits

She has a mission

Unite good souls

With her good heart.


Attentive to any gesture

It's quick, don't hesitate

Spreads happiness

In the world where she lives.


Her name is Angelic

Without limits or modesty


She is the cupid of love.

in Childhood Reborn, Mem-Martins (my secretary), Thursday, May 20, 2021, 8:04 am

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

domingo, 23 de maio de 2021

Haiku, Haikai, 俳句 - pés na areia / 砂の上の足 / feet on the sand - maio 2021 – Mês da Mulher / May 2021 - Women's Month




pés na areia

à beira do mar.

Banho de natureza

Praia (Cascais), quarta-feira, 19 de maio de 2021, 18h18,

Haiku manuscrito




Suna no ue no ashi umi no hashi ni. Neichābasu



Puraia (kasukaisu), 2021-nen 5 tsuki 19-nichi suiyōbi, 18-jikan 18-bu, haiku genkō

feet on the sand

at the edge of the sea.

Nature Bath

 Beach (Cascais), Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 6:18 p.m.,

Haiku manuscript,

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 21 de maio de 2021

"I make time for joy" in Worldly Poetry - May 2021 - Women's Month



Nonô Poems

I make time for joy


I make time for joy

I do what makes me happy

I use my energy well

I dedicate myself to what suits me.


I head towards my dreams

I gain more confidence

Even on sad days

I release my body for the dance.


Diving into inner knowledge

I feel elevated my dignity

Very hot chest

Aligned with my truth.


I bet on my spiritual growth

From maturity, I withdraw wisdom

From self-care to a ritual

I feel in harmony.

in Worldly Poetry, Mem-Martins, my secretary, Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 16h58

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

domingo, 9 de maio de 2021

Haiku, Haikai, 俳句 - coroa de flores / 花の花輪 / wreath of flowers - maio 2021 – Mês da Mulher / May 2021 - Women's Month




coroa de flores

colhidas no campo.

O doce mel das abelhas

Minha Secretária (Mem-Martins), quinta-feira, 6 de maio de 2021, 7h38,

Haiku escrito a computador




Hana no hanawa hata de shūkaku. Mitsubachi no amai hachimitsu



Watashi no hisho (Mem - Martins), 2021-nen 5 tsuki 6-nichi mokuyōbi, gozen 7-ji 38-bu, konpyūta de kaka reta haiku

wreath of flowers

harvested in the field.

The sweet honey of bees

My Secretary (Mem-Martins), Thursday, May 6, 2021, 7:38 am,

Computer-written Haiku,

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2021

"Parade of great women of history" in Historyem - May 2021 - Women's Month



Parade of great women of history

Even though having to fight twice as much

For their recognition

I choose only a few women

From a vast list and at their moment.


I start with Nefertiti and Cleopatra

Two queens of Egypt

Joana d'Arc and Aljubarrota Bread Maker

Two legendary figures and myth.


Catherine de ’Medici and Elisabete I

Njinga Mbande whose history fascinates.

The eccentric Marie Antoniette

Who lost her head in the guillotine!


Queen Leonor and Diana

Two illustrious nobles.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Served the poorest.

Onna-Bugeisha the samurai women

Struggled to protect themselves.

The first professional tattoo artist

Maud Stevens Wagner.


Jewish writer Anne Frank

Reported a great atrocity.

Polish scientist Marie Curie

Nobel in the study of radioactivity.


Mexican painter Frida Kahlo

Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor

Oprah Winfrey and Malala Yousafzai

Nowadays they are figures of value.


Flor Bela Espanca and Amália Rodrigues

And many other individuals

I break up with women from Portugal

This parade of personalities.

In Historyem, Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 6:20 am

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

sábado, 1 de maio de 2021

May 2021 - Women's Month and April Balance

The month of May, which is now beginning, will be dedicated to the theme of Women.

There is still no agenda for publications.

There is expected to be:

- Historyoem - Poem about a historical event

- Newsoetry - a poetry about the news of the month of May - on the last day of the month

- Poets, readers, and writers from home - a rubric that gives voice to those who want to be heard

- Little dreamers - poetry of my own, illustrated by children

- Haikus - on Sunday's

And who knows something more.

The backstage work continues.

Right now, I am preparing the pre-launch of the book “Animais Poéticos” and soon I will be able to announce the publication date of my first book. I am very proud to have coordinated this collective work, whose poems are all my own and which had the collaboration of 17 illustrators from three different nationalities. With a preface by Luísa Ducla Soares and published by Editora Flamingo. I feel my heart very full of happiness. 

Nonô Poems

April balance

For me, the month of April was a month of profound changes. I took an "International Coaching Certification" and attended an event called "Unlock you" where I was able to revisit my inner child, freeing the clown inside me. In fact, in the last year, I have invested a lot of time and money in my personal development.

Nonô Poems

During the month of April, the graphic composition of my first book “Animais Poéticos” was ready. We are now entering the pre-launch phase which is coming very soon.

Four Anthologies to which Nonô's poems sent his poems were published:

“Brisas de Inverno" (Winter breezes)Nonô Poems "Toca a Escrever collection" (Come write)

Nonô Poems

“Liberdade Vol. II - Chiado Books” (Freedom)

Nonô Poems

“IV Vieira da Silva Literary Contest” (launching will take place on May 22)

That's all for today. Don't forget tomorrow is Mother's Day!

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

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