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sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2022

"Portuguese language" in Historyem

 February 21st was International Mother Language Day. As I am Portuguese and my mother tongue is Portuguese (from Portugal), today the poem is about the Portuguese language, so I anticipate World Portuguese Language Day, which, since 2009, has been celebrated on May 5th.



Nonô Poetry

Note: Historiyem is a word created by me that merges the idea of poems with History. 

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sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2021

"Parade of great women of history" in Historyem - May 2021 - Women's Month



Parade of great women of history

Even though having to fight twice as much

For their recognition

I choose only a few women

From a vast list and at their moment.


I start with Nefertiti and Cleopatra

Two queens of Egypt

Joana d'Arc and Aljubarrota Bread Maker

Two legendary figures and myth.


Catherine de ’Medici and Elisabete I

Njinga Mbande whose history fascinates.

The eccentric Marie Antoniette

Who lost her head in the guillotine!


Queen Leonor and Diana

Two illustrious nobles.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Served the poorest.

Onna-Bugeisha the samurai women

Struggled to protect themselves.

The first professional tattoo artist

Maud Stevens Wagner.


Jewish writer Anne Frank

Reported a great atrocity.

Polish scientist Marie Curie

Nobel in the study of radioactivity.


Mexican painter Frida Kahlo

Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor

Oprah Winfrey and Malala Yousafzai

Nowadays they are figures of value.


Flor Bela Espanca and Amália Rodrigues

And many other individuals

I break up with women from Portugal

This parade of personalities.

In Historyem, Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 6:20 am

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

sábado, 3 de abril de 2021

"Where were you on April 25, 1974?" - In Historyem - April 2021- Freedom Month




Where were you on April 25, 1974?

Started with “Grândola Vila Morena”

A coup that became a revolution

A succession of events

Some confusion in the streets.


This movement of captains

It took place in 1974, at the end of April,

After the failed attempt on March 16

A coup that also became civil.


A saleswoman distributed carnations

The soldiers stuffed them in their rifles

Civilians put this flower to their chest

A lot of people in uniforms all around.


Marcelo Caetano

Had to hand over the power

General Spínola was the successor

Until the Portuguese can choose.


After the dictatorship

Democracy came

The third Portuguese republic

It took some audacity.


Many personalities stood out

Salgueiro Maia stands out

A hero of April

That fell into oblivion!


Do you remember where you were?

I wasn't born yet

This is a historic period

That should not be overlooked!



This year we mark this date

This question plagued me

A curiosity that doesn't kill!

In Storyem, Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 9:12 am

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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