Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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sexta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2023

Catharsis of Words: "I opened my eyes this morning"

 This poem was published for the first time on October 6, 2014 and is included in volume I of Catharsis of Words - a yet-to-be-published book by Nonô.

Catharsis of Words

I opened my eyes this morning

I opened my eyes this morning

I ran to my bedroom window

We are in midweek

But I've had enough of work.


Life is not easy

Especially when you do not do what you love

I have to change my breath

Because my last name is Costa.


Beads and more beads

It's what I have to do

I do the best I can

But what I like is to write.


Seeking outlets for what I feel

Bridging my frustration

I am dedicated to individual projects

Where I can give vent to imagination.


It is already Wednesday

Two more days to finish the week

It's at the end of day Friday

I start to breathe.


Today, I woke up unwillingly

But I have to have strength to overcome

Continue my path

Always seeking for a better life.

Written: October 2, 2014

In Costa, M.ª Leonor. Catharsis of Words. Vol. I


  Click here


Today's farewell is a little different, to fit in with the Catharsis of Words theme.

Catharsis of Words

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2023

Worldly Poetry: "I like the word New"

This poem was published for the first time on October 5, 2014 and is included in volume I of Nonô's third book - Worldly Poetry. 

Worldly Poetry

I like the word New

I like the word New

I vibrate with the novelty

Try something different

Living with intensity.


I appreciate the unknown

What emerges of innovation

Awakes my five senses

And my imagination.


I love a surprise

To be confronted with the unexpected

Exit from the monotony

See all by another side.


I do not appreciate routines

Not to live all in the same way

Everything should be lived

As if it were the first time.


More than one word

It is a way of being and acting

Life passes quickly

The new emerges me.

Written: October 2, 2014

In Costa, M.ª Leonor. Worldly Poetry. Vol. I


  Click here


I'll say goodbye for today with poetic kisses

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2023

Worldly Poetry: "The money runs away"

This poem was published for the first time on October 5, 2014 and is included in volume I of Nonô's third book - Worldly Poetry.

Worldly Poetry

The money runs away

The money runs away

There are months that are like this

Seems it gets wheels

Nothing can be accomplished without pilin. (coins and notes)


It is the fruit of our labor

But it’s barely enough to pay the expenses

A salary that pays little

For a whole month of uncertainty.


Life is not easy at all

And its cost keeps rising

We must eat and wear

For health cannot be lacking.


Let there be energy to live

Joy in daily life

Trying to do a decent job

And that the income is enough for the entire year.

Written: October 2, 2014

In Costa, M.ª Leonor. Worldly Poetry.


  Click here


I'll say goodbye for today with poetic kisses

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2023

Worldly Poetry: "One poem each day…"

 On October 2, we celebrated the 9th anniversary of Nonô''s Poetry Blog and began a new phase which I've called a "refresh", by which I mean that I'm going to republish poetry in a new guise.

This poem was published for the first time on October 3, 2014 and is included in volume I of Nonô's third book – Worldly Poetry.

Worldly Poetry

One poem each day…

One poetry a day

You don't know how good it would do you.

An instant of pure magic

Words united to bring us, joy.

This is the ability to combine words with harmony.

Instead of wondering what you would do

What place you were going!

Read these sentences believing in utopia

Surely that would no longer happen.

Words brought together in an allegory

Read with fluidity and energy.

A moment of my fantasy

All to make your and my day better.

Written: October 1, 2014

In Costa, M. ª Leonor. Worldly Poetry. Vol. I


 Click here


I'll say goodbye for today with poetic kisses

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sábado, 30 de setembro de 2023

News from Nonô - September 2023

Hello, this section arose from the need to let my followers know about relevant initiatives and activities in the field of poetry that  Nonô attends or takes part in.

2/09/2023 - as I've already told you,  Nonô   was one of the judges at the Poetry Slam Sintra 2023 and read two of her poems to the audience.

Poesias da Nonô
15/09/2023 - Nonô attended the Poem(A)r Cycle "If I were blind I'd love everyone - The poetry of Almada Negreiros" by José Anjos and guests André Gago and não Simão (music) at 6.30pm in the Sala de Âmbito Cultural, floor 6 of El Corte Inglês in Lisbon.


23/09/2023 - Nonô  attended the "My Illustrated Postcard" workshop at Casa dos Hipopótamos na Lua and took the opportunity to donate an autographed copy of "Animais Poéticos" (Poetic Animals) to be included in the collection of this idyllic house of children's books, located in the gardens of the Municipal Library of Sintra. Here are some photos I took of the space and with the person in charge of it, Nazaré.

Poesias da Nonô
Poesias da Nonô
Animais Poéticos

September 24th - Two years since the launch of Dispersos de M.ª Leonor Costa (Nonô) 

Poesias da Nonô

September 27, 2021 - Second anniversary of the launch session at El Corte Inglês in Lisbon of my first children's illustrated poetry book "AnimaisPoéticos" (Poetic Animals)

Poesias da Nonô
Animais Poéticos

September 27 - Womens' AM book club - James Allen "You are what you think" - Nonô  read and re-read this book, took notes and took part in this club.

Tu és aquilo que pensas

September 30 - Presentation of the collection "Duelos Poéticos - Paixão a Duas Almas" (Poetic Duels - Passion for Two Souls) - this collection contains two texts by Nonô  created together with João Dórdio. One of the texts was initiated by me, the other by him. The launch session will take place this afternoon. The event has since been postponed and I've opted to go to Sintra to write new poetry.

Poesias da Nonô


So, a month has passed with many poetic entries and unfortunately, I've had to turn some down.

This section will return on October 31, 2023, until then you can follow the articles I publish.

For today, I bid you farewell with poetic kisses.

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2023

Portuguese Author's Day and where is Nonô?

Hello, to you who are starting to read this article. Welcome! To Nonô ‘s Poetries blog.

This article marks first the Portuguese author's day and is also intended to be a review of Nonô 's latest work.



 Portuguese Author's Day - May 22nd

Since 1982, in Portugal is marked on May 22, the Day of the Portuguese author!

As a Portuguese language author, I mark and celebrate this day together with you here on the Poesias da Nonô blog with a photo from March 2015, when I published my first poem in the VI Poetic Anthology "Between Dream and Sleep " (available only in portuguese). 

Poetic Anthology
Primeiro poema publicado pela 


 em março de 2015

Events April 16 to May 22, 2023

Like the previous months I come here to review the most relevant events in which Nonô participated or attended from April 16 until May 22, 2023.

First - Trip to Norway

April 17 to 21, 2023 - During these days in April I had the privilege of going to Bergen, Norway. To get to know the land of the trolls. To see the beautiful "Fjords". Despite being a work trip, they were very refreshing and inspiring days. During my rest breaks I managed to find time to get inspired and write poetry, and I chose one to show you.

Poesias da Nonô

Nonô na Noruega
Nonô at Norway

Second - The Way of Saint James / Camino to Santiago

April 22-May 1, 2023 - I barely had time to be home and see my cats. The day after I got back from Norway, I woke up at 4 am to leave for Porto, in the 6:30 am bus, to start the Way of Saint James, around 10 am, in the Church of Carvalhidos, in Porto.

It was a very intense 10 days at all levels. In a few words it is exceedingly difficult to explain everything I felt, I can only tell you that they were transforming moments.

During this trip I felt inspired and drafted some poems. I transcribe here one of the poems I wrote:

Poesias da Nonô

Santiago de Compostela
Nonô and company at Camin de Santiago

I also show here the scan of my Compostela.

Caminho de Santiago

And a picture of my pilgrim credentials with the stamps I collected.

Carimbos Santiago
Scanning of my two Pilgrim credentials

We also had the privilege of meeting the writer Luís Ferreira, author of the book "282: The last path will always be the first" and his wife Leonor. We received a book autographed by the writer.

Luís Ferreira

Finally, already in Santiago Compostela, at the burning of incense I ended up getting emotional. A lot of things that weighed me down stayed on the way!

When I got home, my beautiful cats were waiting for me.

Hello Mikas e Pantera
Nonô Cats- Hello Mikas and Pantera

Third - Haircut

May 2, 2023 - Back home and back to work. I decided to get a haircut. Something changed in me along the way as a reflection of this my image also needed to change.

Corte de cabelo
Nonô Haircut

Fourth - Marketing Master's 2023

May 5 to 6, 2023- I spent two days immersing myself in the Marketing world and learning how digital can change my life. This event took place at CCB in Belém.
Nonô at Marketing master's 2023

Fifth - "Poetry in Two Parts" by Nuno Artur Silva

May 8 and 15, 2023 - I attended the conference "Poetry in Two Parts" by Nuno Artur Silva at the room of Âmbito Cultural, floor six of the El Corte Inglês in Lisbon. I returned to the room where I did the launching session of my first book of illustrated poetry for children and teenagers “Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals).

El Corte Inglês
Nonô at Poetry in Two Parts by Nuno Artur Silva in May 8, 2023

Nonô at Poetry in Two Parts by Nuno Artur Silva May 15, 2023

Six - Certified Intimate Collection

May 10, 2023 - I received the certificate of participation in the Intimist Collection of the new authors Eroticism and Sensuality. The most recent publication that includes two poems by Nonô. And whose launch session is expected to take place on June 11th, during the 93rd Lisbon Book Fair.

Certificate of participation in the Intimate Collection of new authors Eroticism and Sensuality
Seventh - EDP Lisbon, Women, and Life

May 12, 2023 - I went to the Seaside Expo at CCB to pick up the participation kit and take the opportunity to create and write a verse on the IPO mural. The handwriting was not very legible because being left-handed and writing with ink that doesn't dry soon is a huge challenge. It was worth for the intention and for this picture taken by a lady who volunteered to capture this moment.

Nonô wrote a block on the IPO wall

The hardest battles

Are to be won.

Every healing

Make us grow.

May 14, 2023 - There I went, once again, to participate in the EDP Lisbon, Women and Life walk. An initiative that I have attended because I embrace the cancer cause, a disease that I am supervivor of.

Nonô na EDP Lisboa, a Mulher e a Vida
Nonô at EDP Lisbon, Women and Life

Eighth - Creative Writing - Galveias Library

May 16, 2023 - On April 11 I started a new Creative Writing course at Galveias Library, in Lisbon. However, due to so many outings and activities, I had little time left to develop a short story and read the texts of the other participants. Much to my regret, because my priorities turned out to be other, I was forced to give up, thus maintaining a consistency with myself.

I tell this story because it is important for me to demonstrate to those who read me that not everything always goes well, sometimes there are challenges and setbacks.

Anyway, I plan to be present at the last session and at the group dinner.

(Photo Group Dinner to be posted soon)

Ninth - Poetic Duels - Passion for two souls

These days I also finished the two poems together with the poet João Dórdio to participate in a poetic anthology by the publisher In-Finita that will be released soon.

 Invitation to the collection Poetic Duels: Passion for two souls

Tenth - Cycle "Fernando Pessoa and the Centenarians" by Ricardo Belo de Morais

May 19, 2023 - Attended the first session of the cycle "Fernando Pessoa and the Centenarians" by Ricardo Belo de Morais, at the Room de Âmbito Cultural, floor six of the El Corte Inglês, in Lisbon

Poesias da Nonô
Nonô at "Fernando Pessoa and the Centenarians" by Ricardo Belo de Morais

Midyear 2023

June 1st, 2023 - We are at the halfway point of the year 2023. I can assure you that for me this has been a very intense year lived to the fullest.

The next four months, from June to September, here on the blog and on the networks are going to be different. For now, I won't advance any more, I just ask you to stay tuned, or attentive.

I say goodbye for today with an overflowing heart.

Poetic hugs and see you soon,

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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