Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Worldly poetry. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Worldly poetry. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2023

Poesias Mundanas: "Estou constipada"

Este poema foi publicado pela primeira vez no dia 8 de outubro de 2014 e está incluído no volume I do terceiro livro da autoria da Nonô  – Poesias Mundanas.

Worldly Poetry

Estou constipada

Já estamos no outono

O tempo começou a mudar

Dormi um pouco destapada

Foi o suficiente para me constipar.


O meu nariz pinga

Tenho a garganta inflamada

Dói-me o corpo todo

Sinto-me muito adoentada.


Um mal-estar irritante

Que me está a incomodar

Eu devia tomar alguma coisa

Para rapidamente me conseguir curar.


Um Brufen, ou um Ben-u-ron

Com água devia tomar

Mas pode ser alergia

Com esses medicamentos, não vai passar.


Posso tentar também com mel

Uma cura mais adocicada

Só tenho de ter cuidado

Para não ficar acamada.

São os chamados frutos da época

Uma gripe, ou constipação

Doenças sazonais

Que tanto vêm como vão. 

Escrito: 7 de outubro de 2014

In Costa, M.ª Leonor. Poesias Mundanas. Vol. I


 Carregue aqui


Por hoje despeço-me com beijos poéticos. 

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2023

Worldly Poetry: "I like the word New"

This poem was published for the first time on October 5, 2014 and is included in volume I of Nonô's third book - Worldly Poetry. 

Worldly Poetry

I like the word New

I like the word New

I vibrate with the novelty

Try something different

Living with intensity.


I appreciate the unknown

What emerges of innovation

Awakes my five senses

And my imagination.


I love a surprise

To be confronted with the unexpected

Exit from the monotony

See all by another side.


I do not appreciate routines

Not to live all in the same way

Everything should be lived

As if it were the first time.


More than one word

It is a way of being and acting

Life passes quickly

The new emerges me.

Written: October 2, 2014

In Costa, M.ª Leonor. Worldly Poetry. Vol. I


  Click here


I'll say goodbye for today with poetic kisses

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2023

Worldly Poetry: "The money runs away"

This poem was published for the first time on October 5, 2014 and is included in volume I of Nonô's third book - Worldly Poetry.

Worldly Poetry

The money runs away

The money runs away

There are months that are like this

Seems it gets wheels

Nothing can be accomplished without pilin. (coins and notes)


It is the fruit of our labor

But it’s barely enough to pay the expenses

A salary that pays little

For a whole month of uncertainty.


Life is not easy at all

And its cost keeps rising

We must eat and wear

For health cannot be lacking.


Let there be energy to live

Joy in daily life

Trying to do a decent job

And that the income is enough for the entire year.

Written: October 2, 2014

In Costa, M.ª Leonor. Worldly Poetry.


  Click here


I'll say goodbye for today with poetic kisses

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2023

Worldly Poetry: "One poem each day…"

 On October 2, we celebrated the 9th anniversary of Nonô''s Poetry Blog and began a new phase which I've called a "refresh", by which I mean that I'm going to republish poetry in a new guise.

This poem was published for the first time on October 3, 2014 and is included in volume I of Nonô's third book – Worldly Poetry.

Worldly Poetry

One poem each day…

One poetry a day

You don't know how good it would do you.

An instant of pure magic

Words united to bring us, joy.

This is the ability to combine words with harmony.

Instead of wondering what you would do

What place you were going!

Read these sentences believing in utopia

Surely that would no longer happen.

Words brought together in an allegory

Read with fluidity and energy.

A moment of my fantasy

All to make your and my day better.

Written: October 1, 2014

In Costa, M. ª Leonor. Worldly Poetry. Vol. I


 Click here


I'll say goodbye for today with poetic kisses

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2022

Year 2022 Review of Nonô Poetry

 Can I read this article for you? 




Year 2022 Review of Nonô Poetry

Hello, we have reached the last post of the month of November here on the Nonô Poetry blog. Christmas is 1 month away and shortly after that; another year is over.

The top ten highlights of Nonô Poetry in 2022 are:

1 - In January 2022, the odyssey of publishing Poetic Animals videos and audios ended after 7 months.

Poesias da Nonô

2 - Since this blog was created, 2022 was the year in which I published the fewest articles, about eighty articles so far (Portuguese and English).

3 - On the other hand, 2022 was the year in which I published the most on social networks. Besides promoting the blog articles, I created the Marathons: 4.7, Rose, Uni-verse and from December 1 until January 6, 2023, we will have Christmas Haikus.

4 - 2022, is also marked by the publication of the first volume of Worldly Poetry, on Amazon

Poesias da Nonô

5 - This was a year of profound changes and in April I even took a pause to reflect on the direction I should take with this project. Every entrepreneur goes through doubts and must be able to define a strategy for the future to be able to continue.

6 - 2022, was also the year I managed to get my books for sale at “Gatafunho” bookstore, in Oeiras (Portugal).

Poesias da Nonô

7 - This was also the year I went out more often to read in public, twice at the CCB and once at the Coach Museum.

8 - One of the biggest insights of the year is that between what you create and the ideas you have and what is feasible for a person, you have to keep an exceptionally good balance, a lot of motivation and determination.

9 - This was also a year of great learning.

10 - After 8 years, between attempts, mistakes, and some more accurate bets, I'm continuing to boost this solo project, whose goal is not to be so alone anymore.

 These are the most remarkable aspects of the year 2022.

 Uni-verse Marathon

The Uni-verse Marathon is almost over, it lasts until November 30th. Look for @poesiasdanono so you can attend! In this Marathon it is possible to draw some inspiration.

I say goodbye for Today

I'll be back with a new article here on the Nonô Poetry blog next Thursday, available from 6am, I hope I can count on you. From December 1 to January 6, the blog and social networks will be updated daily with Christmas Haikus, Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest TikTok, YouTube "podcast" audio, on Spotify Anchor, since inspiring people is my mission!

If this article was helpful, or inspiring in any way, I thank you for sharing so that more people can be inspired.

I say goodbye with our usual greeting "bye bye"!

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2022

Worldly Poetry Poetic Tertulia

 Can I read this article for you? 





Worldly Poetry Poetic Tertulia

Hello, in this third week of November I invite you to a poetic tertulia around my third published book "Worldly Poetry Volume I".

 Poesias da Nonô

Some important aspects of the work and the theme to " Worldly Poetry Volume I":

I will begin, as has become customary, by telling you about some important aspects of the work and the theme of " Worldly Poetry Volume I":

1 - This book was published in August 2022.

2 - It is a self-published book.

3 - It is Nonô's third individual book.

4 - It is available on Amazon.

5 - It includes one hundred and fifty poems by me under the theme Worldly Poetry.

6 - It has been revised more than once. Its revision took more than two months. A lengthy and challenging process.

7 - It was supposed to have been published on my birthday, August 15, but due to difficulties in getting the formats right it was necessary to rethink the date (It was published between August 13 and 21).

8 - It is one of the books I have been looking forward to publishing since 2015.

9 - This book has not been sent to any publisher.

10 - This book can make a positive impact on your life.

11 - Depending on the version - the page numbers are:

Bilingual 406

Portuguese 186

English 183

12 - The cover photo was taken at Forum Almada.

Maria Leonor Costa

13 - The content of the book is in color.

14 - The Nonô  logo and the Worldly Poetry theme illustrate this work.

Logótipo Poesias da Nonô
Logótipo Poesias da Nonô
Logótipo Poesias Mundanas

15 - This is the third book of my authorship and was published and released in August 2022.

I have thus recorded fifteen curiosities about Worldly Poetry, a theme that in the publication of its first volume gave rise to six books.

Tertulia reading some of the poems:

The reading of the poems is accessible only to those who watch the video.

Uni-Verse Marathon

The Uni-verse Marathon began on November 1st and continues until November 30th on social networks. Search @poesiasdanono so you can watch it!

 I say goodbye for Today

To contact me my email address is:

I will return with a new article here on the Poesias da Nonô blog next Friday, available from 6 a.m. onward, I hope I can count on you. Until then I will update daily the social networks, Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest and TikTok, since inspiring people is my mission!

On Fridays I also usually update YouTube and TikTok with videos and an audio "podcast", Anchor on Spotify.

If this article was helpful, or inspiring in any way, I appreciate you sharing so that more people can be inspired.

I say goodbye with our usual greeting "bye bye"!

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2022

Six Reasons to read “Worldly Poetry”

Today, on World Pregnancy Day, I come here to talk and write about my new baby. Last August 26, 2022, I presented to the world, in a video, which I released, of the launch session of my third book of poetry, entitled “Worldly Poetry - Volume I”. Today I present the six reasons that may motivate the reader to read this book.

Poesias Mundanas

Six Reasons to read “Worldly Poetry”

1 - It is a book that can be acquired in one or more versions, with a choice of six different options (two bilingual Portuguese English; two in Portuguese and two in English - between physical books and e-books);

2 - The poems refer to Nonô Poetry blog - updated content, which may be optimized in the future.

3 - It's a kind of self-help book in the form of poetry, since reading each poem may be just what you need to know or read.

4 - It's a book that can be acquired in bilingual Portuguese-English format, only in Portuguese, or only in English - it's up to the reader to choose.

5 - It is available in paper format and/or as an e-book, being a good companion to take anywhere or to have on your bedside table.

6 - Finally, by buying one of these books you will be helping me fulfill my life mission, to inspire people through my creations. 

Nonô Poetry
Nonô Poetry

 Reading three poems

I have randomly chosen three poems that I transcribe below and that I will also read in the video and podcast.

I say reading because I don't consider myself a declaimer. I am a poetess; I love to write and even more when I am read to.

Printed version pages: Bilingual 169 English   69

Being unique

I am unique

You are unique

He/She is unique

We are unique

You are unique

They are unique

To be unique is not a verb

It is a quality

An adjective that contains in itself

A lot of truth

We are all unique beings

There is within us the gift of uniqueness

Never let anyone tell you otherwise

For, you are unique in reality.


Written: Bus bound for Montalegre, January 7, 2015

Blog: January 7, 2015

Printed version pages: Bilingual 290 / English 124

Petals rain

Spring has arrived

The trees began to blossom

The weather got worse

And the petals began to fall.


Followed one by the other and slowly

Around them a beautiful mantle spread

A view that doesn't stay forever

You only see what the wind didn't carry away.


It’s an authentic rain

Falling of various trees

It fits like a glove

And has many beautiful colors.


Written on the computer: Sitting at my desk in Boticas,

on April 21, 2015, 12:25 p.m.

Blog: April 24, 2015

Printed version pages: Bilingual 354 / English 156

Life is like it has to be

Life takes many turns

Nothing is forever

Not everything is the way you like it

And everything changes suddenly.


There's no use avoiding

What's bound to happen

No use planning

It's better to let it all flourish.


Time goes by

Much is happening

Life is changing

Willing or not wanting to.


It's not worth getting discouraged

It is necessary to understand

You got to believe

Life is like it has to be.

Handwritten poem: Sitting in the train station of Mem-Martins,

written August 21, 2015, 12.00 p.m.,

Blog: September 24, 2015

 Can I read this article for you?



Finally, a question: Of the poems transcribed, or included in the book "Worldly Poetry - Volume I", which one or ones do you like best?

4.7 Marathon

The 4.7 marathon is still running, until September 30, 2022, on the social networks of Nonô Poetry (more details here). We are already on the twenty-sixth day of this challenge, so don't be left out, click on the links for the different networks that are available in the sidebar here on the blog.

You can always contact me by e-mail:

Next Friday is the day of a new article, here on the Nonô Poetry blog, I hope to be able to count on you, starting at 6am.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

Contactar com a Nonô / Get in touch with Nonô


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