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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta This poem is not mine. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2021

"The Magnolia" of Luiza Neto Jorge in This poem is not mine and "Magnolia and time" of Nonô in Dialogue between Poems - March 2021 - flower month



Luiza Neto Jorge

This poem sis not mine

Magnolia - Photo Chris F in Pexels

This poem sis not mine

The Magnolia

Luiza Neto Jorge

(May 10, 1939 – 1989)

The exaltation of the minimum,

and the magnificent lightning

of the master event

give me back the shape

my radiance.

A tiny cradle picks me up

where the word is eliminated

in matter- in metaphor-

necessary, and take each one

where it echoes and slips.

The magnolia,

the sound that develops in it

when pronounced,

it's an exalted aroma

lost in the storm,

a magnificent minimum

defoliating lightning

about me.

In Your Time Your Time

 Nonô Poems

Dialogue between Poems

Magnolia and time


(August 15, 1975)

All in good time,

In the spring blooming flowers

Nature shines

The animals start to give birth.

The lovely magnolia.

Beautiful and fragrant

Born in the trees

White and pink.

Symbol of dignity and purity,

And strength, loyalty and love

Out of the ordinary petals

In all its splendor.

Creative and vulnerable,

Aware of your inner self

Hopeful, believer,

Externalizing vigor

Without fearing tomorrow

The future has another flavor

When in time you trust 

Mem-Martins, Thursday, February 25, 2021, 6:00 pm

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2021

“I am the woman who kills herself for the love of you” of Andreia C. Faria in This Poem is not mine and “The woman I am does not kill herself for anyone” of Nonô in Dialogue between poems – February 2021 - Month of Love





Andreia C. Faria

This poem is not mine

I am the woman who kills herself for the love of you

Andreia C. Faria (born in1984)


I am the woman who kills herself for the love of you

and the woman for the love of someone who dies

I am the boy that is like cloudy water

in the woman for whom you die

the wet mouth of the phone where she expiates

violent thoughts like feathers

I'm the feather that opens the sheets for you

the wood chip on the table

the standby blade

that nudity bears fruit

I am what hurts the boy

and the clothes that cover it

I am the brightness of the window where the woman


Nonô Poems

Dialogue between Poems

The woman I am does not kill herself for anyone

Nonô (born in 1975)


The woman I am does not kill herself for anyone

Nourish love for others, love yourself too

Includes male and female energies

It's balance of opposite poles

It just pleases some tastes

Does not feed violent thoughts

I am the one who gives you the horizons of freedom

I let her live with intense truth

The one that doesn't hold her

in a soul

I'm an image of calm

A rebel in the silence

I am the manifestation of nature

what I believe in

Mem-Martins, Monday, February 15, 2021, 7:34 am 

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)


sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2021

“Bring me a man to lift me up with his eyes” of Claudia Sampaio in This Poem is not mine and “I will find a man who will lift me up with the soul” of Nonô in Dialogue between poems – February 2021 - Month of Love





Claudia Sampaio

This poem is not mine

Bring me a man to lift me up with his eyes

Claúdia Sampaio (born in 1981)


Bring me a man to lift me up

with the eyes

let me put an end to the tragedy

with the grace of a freshly inflated balloon

bring me a man who comes in buckets,

loose and liquid to mix in me

with the nuptial faith of a boy promised to undress

light, light, a bird fledgling

bring me a man who loves me in circles

who loves me in fears, who loves me in laughter

that love me in wheel buses on the precipice

and give me back the dark circles in gratitude from

be alive

a man man, a man child

a man woman

a flowery man of nights in his hair

an aquatic man on fire and whole

a man home, a man winter

a man with tilted twilight mouth

heartfelt preface waiting to be written

bring me a man who wants me in me

that I lift in hemispheres and spread and sing

a man world where I can lose myself

and that finger by finger take the splinters out of my eyes

throwing me into the illusion that we are two

brand new standing clouds.


Dialogue between Poems

I will find a man who will lift me up with the soul

Nonô (born in 1975)


I will find a man who will lift me up

with the soul

that gives me complete confidence

with a free spirit like a hot air balloon

I will find a man who arrives suddenly,

Whole and complete to join me

with the ability to surrender

simple, simple, a bird that wants to fly with me

I will find a man who loves me without triangles

that without fears surrender, that undo me in laughter

without fear of coming out here and anywhere

and that the dark circles I have are inspirational

and to live with passion

a man with his different energetic charges

a true man in his essence

a romantic man

a man a lover often

a dreamy man, a creative man

a man with body and soul

with a winning heart and strength

I will find a man who only wants me

that I raise to the sphere of the universe

a complete man who makes me fear nothing

to emerge beyond the lines of this verse

that gradually remove all layers

for me, live and grow.

Mem-Martins, Friday, February 12, 2021, 6:34 am 

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2021

“The Refusal of Love” of Filipa Leal in This Poem is not mine and “Bandit Love” of Nonô in Dialogue between poems – February 2021 - Month of Love




Filipa Leal
This Poem is not mine
ilipa Leal 

This poem is not mine

“The Refusal of Love”

Filipa Leal (born in 1979)

We don't have a gun to the head,

you told me. But it was impossible for you not to see,

impossible. I by your side with that pain

neck, immobile, careful, the cold pipe

on my forehead, life crashing

any time. It was impossible for you not to see

the revolver I always carried with me. That's why I slept

turned to the other side, it wasn't because it helped me

that side, it was for giving me more ways

not to die when we saw each other,

I was supposed to sleep with you just one more time,

always just this time,

always with my love turning around,

always with your love pointed at the head.

Nonô Poems

Dialogue between Poems

“Bandit Love”

Nonô (born in 1975) 

We can always choose which way we want to go. But that

choice is not an easy one to make. It does not matter what

others see. In the end it is our decision. We will feel pain in

the body, until we stop feeling anything. It will hurt in the

chest, belly, and head, but it is in the soul that the pain

register becomes deeper. Around us many notices. Pain is

revealed in physiology, in thoughts and in our actions.

Unrequited love can become a series of superficial

encounters, which in the end hurt, much more than the

break. Only once again is this our lack of courage to leave

behind, which only makes us ill. Over and over again, only

the marks of the problem experienced increase. In our

discovery of the “I”, who has never lived a bandit love?

Mem-Martins (minha secretária), sexta-feira,22 de janeiro de 2021, 6h36

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2021

“When I think of you” of Matilde campilho in This poem is not mine and “When I remember you” of Nonô in Dialogue between Poems – February 2021 - Month of Love



Matilde campilho
This poem is not mine

This poem is not mine

When I think of you

Matilde Campilho (Born in 1982)


When I think of you

I forget the trash

that makes noise

in the morning

at my door

You look like time

of almond trees

It's all about the semi-invisible staircase

that the magician dug

on the Atlantic rock

Yes, you look like summer.

Nonô Poems

Dialogue between Poems

When I remember you

Nonô (Born in 1975) 

When I remember you

I forget what was bad

while watching the morning

rising from my window

You look like a king

That didn't reign

You vanished into the mist

For me, you were invisible

In a distant horizon

Vaster than the Atlantic

Dated on a summer.

Mem-Martins (my secretary), Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 7:36 am

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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