Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2022

Cow - "The cows graze in the field" - in Poetic Animals - Nonô Reading



Nonô Poems

Author of Poetry and Illustrator of the Cow:

Poemas da Nonô
M. Leonor Costa (Nonô)

Born in Lisbon, on August 15, 1975. A lover of culture, arts and letters, to inspire more and more people with poetry, quatrains, haikus and stories. Master in Documentation and Information Sciences, librarianship variant, by the Faculty of Arts of Lisbon and a degree in Modern and Contemporary History, variant of cultural property management, by ISCTE. Author, creator and mentor of the blog, Poemas da Nonô –

Promote her writing on social media:





Tik Tok: @poemasdannono

YouTube: Created the series of shows “Can I read to you?” and “Public Readings“.

It maintains programs for reading the poems on its channel.

She regularly participates in public reading events, contests and has published in more than 30 compilations and anthologies from various publishers (numerous poems, a love letter and a Christmas tale).

This number of publications is progressively increasing, as well as the competitions in which she is participating:

Chiado Editora (2015 to 2020): Between Sleep and Dream, Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, vol. VI and XI; a Christmas tale entitled “Father Christmas cut his hair and shaved his beard” in Christmas in Words vol. II; “letter to my beloved love”, in Three Quarters of One Love vol. III and QUARANTINE – Memories of a Confined Country.

The Declaimer (2017 to 2020): 4 Seasons, Anthology in Poetry and Prose; Christmas Flower, Anthology of Various Authors vol. I and II; Collection Poem Art vol. I, II and III; Between the lines of poetry: Delírios vol. II, Collection of Poetry and Poetic Prose; 5 Senses vol. II; Soul Poems; Summer Delusions; Autumn Delusions; Winter Delusions, Spring Delusions and PanDemia of Words Collection.

Pastelaria Studios: Perdidamente Anthology Poets Lusófonos Contemporâneos vol. III.

Place of the Word: Mimos of November 2018 and Mimos of February 2021.

In-Finita: Atlantic Connections, vol. IV; It's about Writing and Women's Letters.

Edições Vieira da Silva: Água-pé Castanhas e Letras and 4th literary competition Edições Vieira da Silva.

Artur Bual Artistic and Cultural Circle: Notebooks of Poetry.

Animais Poéticas” is his first solo book.

Her second book, also published in 2021, is a collection of poems and texts in prose Antologia by Maria Leonor Costa (Nonô) included in the Dispersos collection of the publisher In-finita.

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2022

Estrela da Semana / Star of the week - Vaca / Cow

Poemas da Nonô
 Terminamos este desfile de estrelas da semana com o último animal do livro “Animais Poéticos” a Vaca.

O título do poema é "As vaquinhas pastam no campo".

No dia 18 de janeiro, terça-feira, contamos com a leitura do poema por Gustavo Setas - Turma 4ºA3 - Aluno da Escola Básica N.º 1 de Mem-Martins - Agrupamento de Escolas Ferreira de Castro - Ano Letivo 2020/2021, na quarta-feira, dia 19 de janeiro, contamos com a leitura de Simão Duarte - 1ºA1 da mesma escola, e no dia 21 de janeiro, sexta-feira, temos a leitura do mesmo poema por mim, Nonô, em português e em inglês.

Este projeto não termina aqui, o livro vai continuar disponível para venda e a cumprir a missão para a qual foi criado ajudar pais e amigos de crianças com Cancro – Associação Acreditar.

Continuarei a divulgar este projeto que criei com a ajuda de muitos e que me deu um enorme prazer. Gratidão!

Este último poema foi ilustrado por mim, e tenho por ele um carinho especial porque sou colecionadora de vaquinhas, reúno uma coleção com mais de 800 objetos e cerca de 2000 imagens. 

Poemas da Nonô

We ended this week's star show with the last animal from the book “Animais Poéticos” the Cow.

The title of the poem is "The cows graze in the field".

On Tuesday, January 18th, we had the poem read by Gustavo Setas - Class 4A3 - Student at Mem-Martins Basic School No. 1 - Ferreira de Castro School Group - Academic Year 2020/2021, at Wednesday, January 19th, we have a reading by Simão Duarte - 1st A1 from the same school, and on Friday, January 21st, we have the same poem by me, Nonô, in Portuguese and in English.

This project does not end here, the book will continue to be available for sale and fulfilling the mission for which it was created to help parents and friends of children with cancer – Associação Acreditar.

This last poem was illustrated by me, and I have a special affection for it because I am a collector of cows, I have a collection with more than 800 objects and around 2000 images.

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2022

Forg - "I kissed a frog" - in Poetic Animals - Nonô Reading



Nonô Poems

Poemas da Nonô

Cristiano Batista - is 27 years old. One of his hobbies is drawing, he started to develop this skill at a very young age, having later done paintings, portraits, graffiti and tattoos. From the age of 15, he drew portraits and tattoos made in charcoal for several people, with the respective techniques, so that the result was as real as possible!

 Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

segunda-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2022

Estrela da Semana / Star of the week - Sapo / Frog

Poemas da Nonô
 A estrela desta semana é o Sapo.

O título do poema é " Beijei um sapo".

No dia 12 de janeiro, quarta-feira, contamos com a leitura de Francisco Duarte – Turma 1ºA3 EBN1 Mem-Martins - Ano Letivo 2020/2021, e no dia 14 de janeiro, sexta-feira, temos a leitura do mesmo poema por mim, Nonô, em português e em inglês. 

Poemas da Nonô

This week's star is Sapo.

The title of the poem is "I kissed a frog".

On Wednesday, January 12th, we had a reading by Francisco Duarte – Class 1A3 EBN1 Mem-Martins – Academic Year 2020/2021, and on Friday, January 14th, we had the same poem read by me , Nonô, in Portuguese and in English.

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2022

Reindeer - "Santa's favorite reindeer" - Reading by Nonô



Nonô Poems

Reindeer - António Pinheiro - Born on May 21, 1964 in Póvoa de Varzim, he soon took up some forms of art through Scouting. With a course in oil painting certified by DREN, he exhibited at Library Beach and at the city's Tourist Office. He made several storefronts of commercial houses. In Sintra, he participated in several events and, in one of them, he offered a canvas to the Dona Estefânia Pediatric Hospital. Lately he has been exploring the technique of watercolors.

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2022

Estrela da Semana / Star of the week - Rena / Reindeer

Poemas da Nonô
 A estrela desta semana é a Rena.

O título do poema é "A rena preferida do Pai Natal".

No dia 4 de janeiro, terça-feira, contamos com a leitura do poema por Iris Figueiredo - Turma 4ºA2 - Aluna da Escola Básica N.º 1 de Mem-Martins - Agrupamento de Escolas Ferreira de Castro - Ano Letivo 2020/2021, na quarta-feira, dia 5 de janeiro, contamos com a leitura de Matilde Correia uma menina com 9 anos, e no dia 7 de janeiro, sexta-feira, temos a leitura do mesmo poema por mim, Nonô, em português e em inglês.

Como na quinta-feira, dia 6 de janeiro é dia de Reis, vamos ter um poema extra, ou seja, que não faz parte do livro “Animais Poéticos” e que se intitula “O Rei está na mesa”. 

Poemas da Nonô

This week's star is the Reindeer.

The title of the poem is " "Santa's favorite reindeer".

On Tuesday, January 4th, we had the poem read by Iris Figueiredo - Class 4A2 - Student of Mem-Martins Basic School No. 1 - Ferreira de Castro School Group - Academic Year 2020/2021, at Wednesday January 5th, we have a reading by Matilde Correia, a 9-year-old girl, and on Friday, January 7th, we have the same poem read by me, Nonô, in Portuguese and in English.

As Thursday, January 6th is Kings' Day, we will have an extra poem, that is, one that is not part of the book “Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals) and that is entitled “The King is at the table”.

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2021

Mouse - "The mouse is sad" in Poetic Animals - Reading by Nonô



Nonô Poems


Poemas da Nonô

Francisca Costa – born in Lisbon. From an early age she developed a taste for manual and decorative arts. One of the techniques she most appreciates is oil painting. These are the first illustrations she made and it is her first participation in a children's book.

My Mother.

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

quinta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2021

Nonô Poems 2022

Poemas da Nonô

There are decisions that are not taken lightly. This project is part of my life and fortunately also a growing number of followers.

After 7 years, feeding this blog, I've already come to the conclusion that it's no use having everything well defined because unforeseen events always arise and what seemed to be the initial path follows a completely different course.

There are many ideas. Putting them into practice is sometimes too challenging and it's no use wanting to do everything because time is finite.

Nonô Poems

The dilemma here is: if on the one hand this blog appeared as a pretext to give wings to my pleasure in writing and my creativity, spreading it on social networks takes a lot of time and those who were born as a writing project followed a different path.

Working alone on a project like this has become harrowing. Therefore, I am forced to make choices that are adequate to my current reality.

Life is not just about computers and cannot be spent exclusively feeding a blog and respective social networks.

I have a full-time job and in my spare time I need more time to devote to behind-the-scenes writing, new learning, and other pleasures.

Having said all that, until January 21st I will continue to promote “Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals), my first book published with the aim of social solidarity.

Poemas da Nonô

From the 28th of January, there will be substantial changes in the schedule, namely, only 1 post per week is planned - on Fridays and/or on special occasions - this was the way I could find to privilege quality over quantity and for to be able to experience other adventures and projects that I feel the need to embrace, namely, the compilation of my poems in books.

Register the idea here on the blog every Friday is “Black Friday”.


For my regular readers of my haikus, an announcement that from now on, I will only publish one Haiku per month. In January, it will be published on Sunday, January 2, 2022 and from February onwards, the haikus will be published on the first Friday of each month.


On the way to the 8th year of existence Poemas da Nonô will expand the concept of poem to poetry I mean that this “house” is above all a creative space and that at any time the written word can give way to any other type of space. artistic expression. As I said before, nothing is predictable for what we are going to let flow.

I hope to continue to count on your daily visit, even knowing that the news usually comes out on Fridays, there is a lot of content to read, see and listen to around here.

I take this opportunity to wish you an excellent party to make room for the year 2022 and that the old gives way to the new.

Happy New Year!!!

segunda-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2021

Estrela da Semana / Star of the week - Rato / Mouse

Poemas da Nonô

A estrela desta semana é o Rato.

O título do poema é " O ratinho está triste".

No dia 28 de dezembro, terça-feira, contamos com a leitura do poema por Victoria Ambrósio - Turma 2ºA1  - Aluna da Escola Básica N.º 1 de Mem-Martins - Agrupamento de Escolas Ferreira de Castro - Ano Letivo 2020/2021, na quarta-feira, dia 29 de dezembro, contamos com a leitura de Matilde Correia uma menina com 9 anos, e no dia 31 de dezembro, sexta-feira, para terminarmos o ano em beleza, temos a leitura do mesmo poema por mim, Nonô, em português e em inglês. 

Poemas da Nonô

This week's star is the Mouse.

The title of the poem is "The mouse is sad".

On Tuesday, December 28th, we had the poem read by Victoria Ambrósio - Class 2A1 - Student at Mem-Martins Basic School No. 1 - Ferreira de Castro School Group - Academic Year 2020/2021, at Wednesday, December 29th, we had a reading by Matilde Correia, a 9-year-old girl, and on December 31st, Friday, to end the year in beauty, we had the same poem read by me, Nonô, in Portuguese and in English.

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2021

Fox - "Arctic Fox" - in Poetic Animals - Nonô Reading



Nonô Poems


Poemas da Nonô

Fox - Dolores Hernandes Gonzalez – was born and lives in Spain, he is 32 years old. Her professional career started in 2009, having a store (craft, non-commercial) in manga / anime events (fairs) – in Murcia (murciase remanga), Madrid (weekend in Japan, etc. Valencia, Alicante, Torrevieja, Almeria). Until 2017, on newsstands she showed and sold manga portraits, hence her name 'MangaPortrait'; illustrations, t-shirts, pixelart, felt toys, etc. After this phase, she continued her training as an artist at the Murcia School of Arts and Crafts, studying the higher degree of arts applied to sculpture. She has exhibited some of her work in Murcia, Cartagena, and two sculptures by Goku and Krillin (real size from the first season of Dragon Ball), at various manga/anime events in various provinces in Spain. She continued to train, took a course in welding, where she acquired knowledge to take her to the art world. Through the local development and employment program of the Cartagena City Council, she was able to organize a masonry job workshop where she was proposed to make some rose sculptures in metal, which are exhibited in the Parque de la Rosa, in Cartagena. She currently does Marvel portraits, manga / animes and illustrations on request. Facebook @MangaPortrait and

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

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