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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Catharsis of Words. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2023

Catharsis of Words: "I opened my eyes this morning"

 This poem was published for the first time on October 6, 2014 and is included in volume I of Catharsis of Words - a yet-to-be-published book by Nonô.

Catharsis of Words

I opened my eyes this morning

I opened my eyes this morning

I ran to my bedroom window

We are in midweek

But I've had enough of work.


Life is not easy

Especially when you do not do what you love

I have to change my breath

Because my last name is Costa.


Beads and more beads

It's what I have to do

I do the best I can

But what I like is to write.


Seeking outlets for what I feel

Bridging my frustration

I am dedicated to individual projects

Where I can give vent to imagination.


It is already Wednesday

Two more days to finish the week

It's at the end of day Friday

I start to breathe.


Today, I woke up unwillingly

But I have to have strength to overcome

Continue my path

Always seeking for a better life.

Written: October 2, 2014

In Costa, M.ª Leonor. Catharsis of Words. Vol. I


  Click here


Today's farewell is a little different, to fit in with the Catharsis of Words theme.

Catharsis of Words

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

Catarse das Palavras: "Abri os olhos hoje de manhã"

Este poema foi publicado pela primeira vez no dia 6 de outubro de 2014 e está incluído no volume I de Catarse das Palavras - livro ainda por publicar da autoria da Nonô.

Catharsis of Words

Abri os olhos hoje de manhã

Abri os olhos hoje de manhã

Corri a janela do meu quarto

Estamos a meio da semana

Mas eu do trabalho já estou farto.


A vida não é nada fácil

Sobretudo quando não se faz o que se gosta

Tenho de mudar o meu alento

Pois o meu apelido é Costa.


Contas e mais contas

É aquilo que sou obrigada a fazer

Faço o melhor que consigo

Mas do que gosto é de escrever


Procuro escapes para o que sinto

Colmatando a minha frustração

Dedico-me a projetos individuais

Onde consigo dar largas à imaginação.


Já é quarta-feira

Mais dois dias para a semana terminar

É no final do dia de sexta-feira

Que eu começo a respirar.


Hoje, acordei sem vontade

Mas tenho de ter forças para vencer

Continuar o meu caminho

Procurar sempre um melhor viver. 

Escrito: 2 de outubro de 2014

In Costa, M.ª Leonor. Catarse das Palavras. Vol. I


 Carregue aqui


A despedida de hoje, é um pouco diferente, para se adequar ao tema Catarse das Palavras.

Catharsis of words

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2021

"Ivy" (Hera) in Catharsis of Words - March 2021 - Flower Month



Catharsis of Words
Nonô Poems

Ivy (Hera)


You clung to surfaces

Climbing plant

To support yourself and grow

Survive your way.


Suffocates the other plants

You ruin the walls

You have become a plague

You can serve as net.


Spiritual plant

You have the capacity for purification.

Religious worship

Of prosperity attraction.


You share your name

With a Goddess of Olympus

With vengeful temperament

You make the environment clean.

in Catharsis of Words, Mem-Martins (my couch) Monday, March 8, 2021, 7:47 pm

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2021

“Prove me that I’m wrong” in Catharsis of Words – February 2021 - Month of Love





Catharsis of Words
Nonô Poems

Catharsis of Words

 Photo by cottonbro in Pexels modified with

Prove me that I’m wrong

Prove me that I'm wrong

Through your actions

Tired of being cheated

I avoid disappointments.


Do your part

Don't make me promises

Loving is art

That flows without haste!


Avoid making me cry

I don't create expectations

Let yourself be loved

Without prerogatives.


What I see

Does not meet conditions

I choose who I kiss well

I protect my emotions.

in Catharsis of Words, Mem-Martins (my couch,) Monday, February 14, 2021, 6:00 am

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2021

“Stay well!” in Catharsis of Words –February 2021 - Month of Love



Catharsis of Words

Nonô Poems
Catharsis of Words

Stay well!

Stay well!

That's what you told me

I quietly obeyed

The last word you gave me.

I continued my life

The path is ahead

I'm not sorry

I follow what my heart feels.

Somewhat macho expression

Who wants to be the last to say

Being on top is sexist.

But I prefer to obey.

At that time I didn't understand

I even felt some disdain

Now i learned

You didn't expect me to stay so well!


in Catharsis of Words, Mem-Martins (my secretary), Thursday, January 21, 2021, 8:00 am

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

quinta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2021

“How can you love me?” in Catharsis of Words –February 2021 - Month of Love



Catharsis of Words
Nonô Poems
Catharsis of Words

Photo by Esteban Amaroat Pexels  modified with

How can you love me?

How can you love me?

If you have no action

You have to demonstrate

Or are words in vain.


You try to woo me

With so little motivation

You can disinterest me

I notice your true intention.


You make me waste time

Simply, for being like that

You are another setback

Who insists on approaching me!


I lost interest

I have no patience anymore

You are not my prayer

I'm tired of this shit!


in Catharsis of Words, Mem-Martins (my secretary), Thursday, January 21, 2021, 6:40 am

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2021

“I'm out of time” in Catharsis of Words –February 2021 - Month of Love



Catharsis of Words
Catharsis of Words

I’m out of time

I'm out of time

To feed passions

I'm just sorry

Some disappointments.


In a volatile society

Everything is too fast

What seems insoluble

It is a pretext for casuals.


A hypocritical society reigns

Convention Weddings

Live under the same roof

They don't even share their hearts anymore.


I don't see myself

In a reality like this

Alone I write verses

About this frenzy.

in Catharsis of Words, Mem-Martins (my secretary), Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 8:06 am

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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