Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
Convido-te a subescrever o Blogue e a deixar os teus comentários para ficares a par das atualizações. / I invite you to subscribe to the blog and leave your comments to keep up to date.

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Grata pelo teu apoio / Grateful for your the support

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 January 7th

(Date not yet oficial)
Reader's Day
Reader's Day
March 3rd
Since: 1967
International Children's Book Day
(Birth of Hans Christian Andersen.)
International Children's Book Day
March 21st
Since: 1999
World Poetry Day
World Poetry Day

April 17th
Desde / Since: ??

International Haiku Day

April 23rd
Since: 1995

World Book Day

World Book Day
May 5th
In Portugal Since: 2020
World Portuguese Language Day
World Portuguese Language Day
May 22nd
In Portugal Since: 1982
World Portuguese Language Day
World Portuguese Language Day
June 1st
Since: 1925
World Children's Day
World Children's Day
August 15th
Since: 1975
Nonô's Birthday - M.ª Leonor Costa
Nonô's Birthday

October 2nd
Since: 2014
Blog Birthday

 Blog Birthday

October 20
(Date not yet oficial)
Day of the Poet

Day of the Poet

December 25th

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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