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sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2024

To be a writer / poet - useful and practical tips for those starting out


Hello, in today's article, I'm going to write a little about some practical tips that anyone who wants to start writing can use:

1 - Always carry something to record your ideas - a notebook and pencil or pen, a mobile phone with a written or audio recording app.

2 - Be aware of the world around them and record everything their senses pick up: sounds, smells, images, emotions, ideas, thoughts, etc. I should point out here that ideas often come to you in the most unusual places (while you're sleeping; while you're showering; on walks, etc.).

3 - Enjoy reading. A good writer is first and foremost a good reader.

4 - Being open to learning new things, such as culture, ideas, concepts, etc.

6 - Attend training sessions, workshops, book clubs.

7 - Participate in groups to share your writing: gatherings, book clubs, etc.

8 - If you want to publicise what you write, you shouldn't be afraid to write and you should lose the shame of showing off, exposing yourself and making your ideas public. Don't fear the judgement of others, I can assure you that it will happen.

9 - You can create a page, blog or social media site to share content.

10 - Constantly evolve.

That's all for today, I bid you farewell with poetic kisses,

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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