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sábado, 28 de agosto de 2021

Nonô's Autograph Session at the 91st Lisbon Book Fair 2021 - Book "Animais Poéticos" (Poetic Animals)


Subtitled Photographs

Poemas da Nonô
The Autograph Session Space with some books on display

Poemas da Nonô
Time to write my first autograph

Poemas da Nonô
Nonô and Father Luís Costa

Poemas da Nonô
NNonô autographs the book to be given to a child

Poemas da Nonô
Autograph of a book to be given to a niece

Poemas da Nonô
Autograph of a book to give to your child

Poemas da Nonô
Autograph of a book about a child's very attentive gaze

Poemas da Nonô
Autographed book to give to a child support institution

Poemas da Nonô
Another gesture of support

Poemas da Nonô
Photography with a longtime friend

Poemas da Nonô
Those who cannot be present called

Poemas da Nonô
There is night at the fair

Poemas da Nonô
A girl's dream culminates in pink cotton candy

Poemas da Nonô
Poster announces all autograph sessions on the same day as "Animais Poéticos" (Poetic Animals)

It is worth remembering that by buying this book you are helping the Acreditar Association.
Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

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