Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2022

Who is Nonô?

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Who is Nonô?

This blog is called Poesias da Nonô (Nonô Poetry) this name may lead you to wonder who is Nonô?

Nonô Poetry

In a more direct way, I can tell you that Nonô is the creative alter-ego of M.ª Leonor Costa.

She is the personification of the different states of a mature, rebellious, and irreverent woman (reading suggestion, poems Self-portrait and My Personality)

She is a poet, passionate about arts and letters, whose mission is to inspire people.

How it all began?

Nonô was the name I was called when I was a child. “A little ant with phlegm” as they used to say I was.

Poet Nonô when she was little

Little Nonô

When I was about 15 years old, I started writing poetry. I have poems from that time in my possession and many others that I wrote until October 2, 2014, when I created this blog. Since then, and until the present day, many other writings were created and some of them made public.

Initially this project, embodied in this blog, was called “One poetry per day” (another poem you might want to read), mainly because at the time I didn't have the courage to go public and assume my writing.

I think, it was in 2016 that I changed the name of the blog to Poemas da Nonô (Nonô Poems).

I have updated this space over the years. I recently discovered that the Poem concept was just a reducing part of the artistic creation equation. So, I chose to change the name of the blog to Poesias da Nonô (Nonô Poetry). This also marks a new phase of this project that has increasingly become a multimedia space.


From 2015 to 2021, I saw 112 poems of mine selected to be published in more than thirty-six collective works.

From the year 2021, the time has come to launch myself as an individual:

I published “Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals) through Flamingo Editora, with a preface by Luísa Ducla Soares (A renowned Portuguese writer who authors books for children). 

And compiled all the poems included in collections and submitted to competition, in a single book, Antologia Poética M.ª Leonor Costa (Nonô), collection Dispersos, by Editora In-Finita (This book is now available at the National Library of Portugal).

Cover and Back cover of the book Poetic Animals

Flamingo Editora -

Nonô Books
This book is now available at the National Library of Portugal

This space, over these almost eight years, has been an outlet for my creativity, my dreams, my pains, and frustrations. I have here a pillar that keeps me alive and focused on both the hardest and happiest days.

In the near future, compiling my writings on the different themes that I have been creating and making them public is my main task and mission.

Nonô poetry

Nonô Poetry Logo

The poems chosen to exhibit here serve to inspire those who hear or read them. As there is a lot of me in what I write, my personal life is in no way explained here. None of my writings aim to harm anyone, however this can happen, because inspiration is not always positive. There is an expression that is used to say: “Did it bother you? Did it hurt? Take what's yours!"

Having said all this, Nonô is a girl who became a woman, who writes for all genres, out of impulse, taste, need, about life, anger, pain and revolts, platonic, ideal, and real loves, what she hears, listens, sees, tastes, smells and feels with the different female senses and sensibilities.

Poetisa Nonô

Some of the differents Nonô's 

Nonô wants the reader to find himself in what she writes, in her inventions, findings, dreams, etc. These cease to be hers, the moment the reader or listener takes possession and takes it all to another level.

Nono's themes

Some of Nonô's themes

I hope that I have made it clear to everyone who I am, Poetess Nonô!

In case you found this article interesting, you can always comment or share it with others.

Thank you for your attention! If you want to contact me, I leave here my e-mail address

Until next Friday, at 6:00 am.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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