Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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Pesquisar neste blogue

segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2020

Review of the Year 2020 and the upcoming times of the Nonô Poems blog

I begin by taking stock of the Year 2020:

1- We arrived at Post n. 2026 of this blog

2- This is Post 340 of 2020 - taking into account that:

a) We are experiencing an atypical situation

b) There are still 31 days until the year ends

c) From August 16 to October 2 there were no publications here on the blog

d) From March 23 to May 15 - there were, for the most part, two posts per day:

I - One at 6:30

II - Another at 12:30

3- This was also the year I started producing videos of reading aloud of the poems I create:

- In the first phase I did a series that I called “Can I read to you?

- In a second phase, I decided to make videos for the different topics I cover.

So, in addition to being a poet, I also became a makeup artist, producer, editor, director, etc. of the videos I shoot, edit and post on YouTube and post on the different social networks where this project is represented.

4 - In fact, since October 2 (the blog's 6th anniversary), the blog has undergone a profound reorganization. Since then, each day of the week has had its respective theme:

Monday - Reborn Childhood

Tuesday- Platonic Loves or Soul Mate

Wednesday - Worldly poetry

Thursday - Catharsis of Words

Friday - This poem is not mine and Dialogue between poems

Saturday - quatrains

Sunday - Haikus

These different themes were already being developed previously, the novelty consisted of organizing for days, allowing the reader to return on the day with which he most identifies. Being able, of course, to come and visit me every day and at any time you want. The poems I publish here are to read and reread as many times as you wish.

5 - The blog continued to be bilingual - Portuguese / English are the languages used here.

6 - This year I published 12 anthologies. I thus fulfilled one of the goals I had set. Although it was not the year in which I published more poems or short stories, I published a total of 26. The year in which I published more poems, until today was in 2018 - 34 poems and in 2019 - 28 poems. So, in a way, this objective has also remained unfulfilled.

I could have participated in more anthologies. But I spent more time competing for contests, I participated in 4 this year. The contest took me a total of 68 poems, considering that 58 of those poems send to a single contest.

7 - The objective of publishing the works I have kept in the drawer has yet to be realized. I got to receive proposals, but they fell short of what I want. However, they will come out when I feel the time is right. Until then, I will continue to attend training courses that will allow me to gain the necessary skills to fulfill this mission.

In confinement, I have managed to take several courses in creative writing, and not only, where learning the techniques necessary to evolve.

I can assure you that this was a year of countless learnings.

8 - This year the blog Nonô Poems also made its presence on Social Networks more consistent - @poemasdanono:


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I also created a private group on Facebook - Tertúlias da Nonô - 30 members

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my followers (lovers of poetry; readers; curious people, etc.).

I also thank all those who somehow come to read this post.

During this period, I faced numerous challenges. However, I did not give up. And this is the message I want to leave to all those who read me.

Next times of the Nonô Poems blog

It is time to plan and set goals for the coming times, considering that at any time everything changes.

1 - From tomorrow, December 1, 2020, until January 6, 2021 (Kings Day), the blog enters, as it has become usual, in Christmas mode. However, this year, I will maintain the organization of the themes as you can see in point 4 above

2 - From the 7th to the 31st of January 2021 - the blog will take a public break to develop backstage work.

3 - February 1, 2021 - Return with a month dedicated to love.

4 - I can say that next year each month will be dedicated to a specific theme. There are sometimes pauses in publications. The themes are presented at the beginning of each month.

5 - The main objective of the blog is to touch people - inspire, advise, identify - thus making a difference in the world.

6 - In 2021 I will probably publish some of my books.

7 - I will continue to publish in collective works - Anthologies, collections, magazines, meetings, etc. I intend to break all records, publishing in more works and a greater number of texts and poems. Maintaining the same quality as always.

8 - From today until January 6, 2021 the letter used here on the blog will be different. Even before I used Monotype Corsiva now, I will use Arial Rounded MT Bold.

9 - I will separate the Portuguese and English parts in each post from Monday to Friday. Thus, having two posts per day. On Saturdays and Sundays, I keep both languages in the same post. And I will include the poem in text format.

Other news will appear here on the blog during the coming times, I leave some space to be surprised.

Until the next post #gatitude


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