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sábado, 30 de setembro de 2023

News from Nonô - September 2023

Hello, this section arose from the need to let my followers know about relevant initiatives and activities in the field of poetry that  Nonô attends or takes part in.

2/09/2023 - as I've already told you,  Nonô   was one of the judges at the Poetry Slam Sintra 2023 and read two of her poems to the audience.

Poesias da Nonô
15/09/2023 - Nonô attended the Poem(A)r Cycle "If I were blind I'd love everyone - The poetry of Almada Negreiros" by José Anjos and guests André Gago and não Simão (music) at 6.30pm in the Sala de Âmbito Cultural, floor 6 of El Corte Inglês in Lisbon.


23/09/2023 - Nonô  attended the "My Illustrated Postcard" workshop at Casa dos Hipopótamos na Lua and took the opportunity to donate an autographed copy of "Animais Poéticos" (Poetic Animals) to be included in the collection of this idyllic house of children's books, located in the gardens of the Municipal Library of Sintra. Here are some photos I took of the space and with the person in charge of it, Nazaré.

Poesias da Nonô
Poesias da Nonô
Animais Poéticos

September 24th - Two years since the launch of Dispersos de M.ª Leonor Costa (Nonô) 

Poesias da Nonô

September 27, 2021 - Second anniversary of the launch session at El Corte Inglês in Lisbon of my first children's illustrated poetry book "AnimaisPoéticos" (Poetic Animals)

Poesias da Nonô
Animais Poéticos

September 27 - Womens' AM book club - James Allen "You are what you think" - Nonô  read and re-read this book, took notes and took part in this club.

Tu és aquilo que pensas

September 30 - Presentation of the collection "Duelos Poéticos - Paixão a Duas Almas" (Poetic Duels - Passion for Two Souls) - this collection contains two texts by Nonô  created together with João Dórdio. One of the texts was initiated by me, the other by him. The launch session will take place this afternoon. The event has since been postponed and I've opted to go to Sintra to write new poetry.

Poesias da Nonô


So, a month has passed with many poetic entries and unfortunately, I've had to turn some down.

This section will return on October 31, 2023, until then you can follow the articles I publish.

For today, I bid you farewell with poetic kisses.

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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