Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2022

Do you want to go with Nonô to the museum? MAAT

 Hello, as you can read in the description of the content of this blog, this is “a Bilingual Creative Project (Portuguese and English) of Culture, Arts and Letters. Poems, Haikus and Tales by Poetesse Nonô”. Today, culture and the arts are the main theme of this article.

Do you want to go with Nonô to the museum?

Every writer needs inspiration to write. On the 3rd of July I left home and went to the MAAT -Museum of Art,Architecture and Technology in search of inspiration.

Nonô MAAT Ticket

I invite everyone to watch a video where I gathered the photographs I took and to read or listen to the poem I wrote.

Poem: Do you want to go with me to the museum? MAAT

Written Poem and Image

Nonô Poetry MAAT
Can I read this article for you?



That's all for today, there will be more news soon.

If you want to contact me, I leave here my e-mail

Until next Monday, at 6:00 am.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

Queres ir com a Nonô ao museu? MAAT

 Olá, como podem ler na descrição do conteúdo deste blogue, este é “um Projeto Criativo Bilingue (português e inglês) de Cultura, Artes e Letras. Poemas, Haikus e Contos da Autoria da Poetisa Nonô”. Hoje a cultura e as artes são o principal mote deste artigo.

Queres ir com a Nonô ao museu?

Todo o escritor precisa de se inspirar para escrever. No dia 3 de julho sai de casa e fui até ao MAAT -Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia em busca de inspiração.

Bilhete da Nonô

Convido todos a ver um vídeo onde reuni as fotografias que tirei e a ler ou escutar o poema que escrevi.

Poema: Queres ir comigo ao museu? MAAT

Poema Escrito e Imagem

Poesia da Nonô MAAT

Posso ler este artigo para ti?



Por hoje é tudo, haverá mais novidades em breve.

Se quiseres entrar em contacto comigo, deixo aqui o meu e-mail

Até à próxima 2.ª feira, às 6h00 da manhã.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2022

Poesias Mundanas! Brevemente perto de ti

Posso ler este artigo para ti?




Poesias Mundanas! Brevemente perto de ti

Olá, o que me traz aqui hoje é falar, escrever, comunicar sobre a temática Poesias Mundanas.

Comecei a escrever poemas sobre este tema desde o início deste blogue, outubro de 2014.

Worldly Poetry

Os conceitos - Poesias e Mundanas

Antes do mais, penso que é de todo pertinente definir os dois conceitos que dão nome a este tema para serem mais facilmente compreendidos por todos.

- Poesias – neste contexto, é uma palavra utilizada para definir o género literário utilizado. Versos estruturados de forma ritmada e harmoniosa. (para aprofundar um pouco mais deixo aqui o link da definição de poesia na Wikipédia)

- Mundanas – é um conceito que aqui deverá ser entendido como relativo ao mundo, isento de religião, que aborda a sociedade, as convenções sociais, transmite os prazeres do mundo e de tudo em redor.

O tema Poesias Mundanas criado pela Nonô:

Inclui, assim, poesias, versos, positivos sobre a vida quotidiana, análises sociais, visões objetivas, poemas airosos sobre a realidade que nos circunda.

O Livro Poesias Mundanas - Volume I

Poesias da Nonô

Como tenho vindo a gradualmente a revelar, estou prestes a lançar o livro “Poesias Mundanas Volume I “, este será para o leitor mais do que um livro de poesia, virá a ser um amigo para o acompanhar para todo o lado, ou manter disponível na mesa de cabeceira. Um conselheiro ao alcance de um clique no caso de livro eletrónico (e-book), ou em formato de papel, como o leitor desejar.

Trata-se do volume I deste tema, pois, para além dos 150 poemas que este livro inclui, há muitos mais para compilar e tornar acessíveis ao público que assim o desejar. Quero com isto dizer que ao primeiro volume vão se seguir mais volumes desta temática.

Cada poema lido neste livro pode muito bem ser aquilo que o leitor estava mesmo a precisar saber.

Poesias Mundanas um livro inovador

Alguns pormenores tornam o livro Poesias Mundanas moderno e inovador:

1 – Autopublicado na Amazon kindle direct publishing;

2 –Todas as poesias compiladas podem também ser consultadas “online” através das ligações disponíveis (links) na parte inferior de cada texto que remetem para o blogue Poesias da Nonô permitindo ao leitor obter outros recursos que vão sendo sempre atualizados e otimizados em tempo real;

3 – Além disso, trata-se de um livro bilingue português-inglês. Se o leitor o desejar, poderá apenas adquirir na versão portuguesa ou inglesa. Dito isto, falamos aqui de três diferentes livros;

4 – É um tema que converge num livro criado com muito empenho e amor pela Nonô;

5 – É um livro inclusivo, destina-se a todos os géneros e a todas as idades, tanto pode ser lido por miúdos, como por graúdos.

Dito tudo isto anúncio que no dia 15 de agosto de 2022, dia meu 47.ª aniversário farei aqui o lançamento do meu 3.º livro.

Por hoje é tudo! Haverá mais novidades em breve.

Se consideraste este artigo útil ou interessante ajuda-me a chegar a mais pessoas!

Se quiseres entrar em contacto comigo, deixa o teu comentário, ou envia-me um e-mail

Até à próxima 6.ª feira, às 6h00 da manhã.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

Worldly Poetry! Soon near you

Can I read this article for you?



Worldly Poetry! Soon near you

Hello, what brings me here today is to talk, write, communicate about Worldly Poetry.

I started drafting poems on this topic since the beginning of this blog, October 2014.

 Worldly Poetry

The concepts - Poetry and Worldly

First, it is pertinent to define the two concepts that give this theme its name so that they can be more easily understood by everyone.

- Poetry – in this context, it is a word used to define the literary genre used. Verses structured in a rhythmic and harmonious way. (To deepen a little more I leave here the link of the definition of poetry in Encyclopedia Britannica)

- Worldly – is a concept that should be understood here as relative to the world, free from religion, which addresses society, social conventions, transmits the pleasures of the world and everything around it.

The theme Worldly Poetry created by Nonô

Includes poetry, verses, positives about everyday life, social analyses, objective views, airy poems about the reality that surrounds us.

What the reader can expect from the book "Worldly Poetry - Volume I"

Nonô Poetry

As I have been gradually revealing, I am about to launch the book “Worldly Poetry Volume I“, this will be more than a book of poetry for the reader, it will become a friend to accompany you everywhere, or keep available on the bedside table. An advisor at the click of a button in the case of an electronic book (e-book), or in paper format, as the reader wishes.

This is volume I of this theme, because, in addition to the 150 poems that this book includes, there are many more to compile and make accessible to the public that so desires. By this I mean that the first volume will be followed by more volumes on this theme.

Each poem read in this book may well be what the reader really needed to know.

Worldly Poetry an innovative book

Some details make the book Worldly Poetry modern and innovative:

1 – Self-published on Amazon kindle direct publishing.

2 –All the poems compiled can also be consulted “online” through the available links (links) at the bottom of each text that refer to the blog Poesias da Nonô allowing the reader to obtain other resources that are always updated and improved in real time.

3 – In addition, it is a bilingual Portuguese-English book. If the reader so wishes, he can only purchase the Portuguese or English version. That said, we are talking about three different books here.

44 – It is a theme that converges in a book created with great commitment and love by Nonô.

5 – It is an inclusive book, intended for all genres and all ages, both kids and adults can read it.

Having said all this, I announce that on August 15, 2022, my 47th birthday, I will launch my third book here.

That's all for today, there will be more news soon.

If you found this article useful or interesting, help me reach more people!

If you want to contact me, leave your comment, or send me an e-mail to

Until next Friday, at 6:00 a.m.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2022

2022 - Poetry "July"



Written Poem and Image

Nonô Poetry July

If you want to contact me, I leave here my e-mail

Until next Monday, at 6:00 a.m., here on the blog.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

2022 - Poesia "julho"



Poema Escrito e Imagem

Poesias da Nonô julho

Se quiseres entrar em contacto comigo, deixo aqui o meu e-mail

Até à próxima 6.ª feira, às 6h00 da manhã, aqui no blogue.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2022

Who is Nonô?

Can I read this article for you?

Who is Nonô?

This blog is called Poesias da Nonô (Nonô Poetry) this name may lead you to wonder who is Nonô?

Nonô Poetry

In a more direct way, I can tell you that Nonô is the creative alter-ego of M.ª Leonor Costa.

She is the personification of the different states of a mature, rebellious, and irreverent woman (reading suggestion, poems Self-portrait and My Personality)

She is a poet, passionate about arts and letters, whose mission is to inspire people.

How it all began?

Nonô was the name I was called when I was a child. “A little ant with phlegm” as they used to say I was.

Poet Nonô when she was little

Little Nonô

When I was about 15 years old, I started writing poetry. I have poems from that time in my possession and many others that I wrote until October 2, 2014, when I created this blog. Since then, and until the present day, many other writings were created and some of them made public.

Initially this project, embodied in this blog, was called “One poetry per day” (another poem you might want to read), mainly because at the time I didn't have the courage to go public and assume my writing.

I think, it was in 2016 that I changed the name of the blog to Poemas da Nonô (Nonô Poems).

I have updated this space over the years. I recently discovered that the Poem concept was just a reducing part of the artistic creation equation. So, I chose to change the name of the blog to Poesias da Nonô (Nonô Poetry). This also marks a new phase of this project that has increasingly become a multimedia space.


From 2015 to 2021, I saw 112 poems of mine selected to be published in more than thirty-six collective works.

From the year 2021, the time has come to launch myself as an individual:

I published “Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals) through Flamingo Editora, with a preface by Luísa Ducla Soares (A renowned Portuguese writer who authors books for children). 

And compiled all the poems included in collections and submitted to competition, in a single book, Antologia Poética M.ª Leonor Costa (Nonô), collection Dispersos, by Editora In-Finita (This book is now available at the National Library of Portugal).

Cover and Back cover of the book Poetic Animals

Flamingo Editora -

Nonô Books
This book is now available at the National Library of Portugal

This space, over these almost eight years, has been an outlet for my creativity, my dreams, my pains, and frustrations. I have here a pillar that keeps me alive and focused on both the hardest and happiest days.

In the near future, compiling my writings on the different themes that I have been creating and making them public is my main task and mission.

Nonô poetry

Nonô Poetry Logo

The poems chosen to exhibit here serve to inspire those who hear or read them. As there is a lot of me in what I write, my personal life is in no way explained here. None of my writings aim to harm anyone, however this can happen, because inspiration is not always positive. There is an expression that is used to say: “Did it bother you? Did it hurt? Take what's yours!"

Having said all this, Nonô is a girl who became a woman, who writes for all genres, out of impulse, taste, need, about life, anger, pain and revolts, platonic, ideal, and real loves, what she hears, listens, sees, tastes, smells and feels with the different female senses and sensibilities.

Poetisa Nonô

Some of the differents Nonô's 

Nonô wants the reader to find himself in what she writes, in her inventions, findings, dreams, etc. These cease to be hers, the moment the reader or listener takes possession and takes it all to another level.

Nono's themes

Some of Nonô's themes

I hope that I have made it clear to everyone who I am, Poetess Nonô!

In case you found this article interesting, you can always comment or share it with others.

Thank you for your attention! If you want to contact me, I leave here my e-mail address

Until next Friday, at 6:00 am.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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