Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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terça-feira, 21 de março de 2023

World Poetry Day and news from Nonô

Hello everyone, welcome to this space, especially today because it is the World Poetry Day!

This day was created in the XXX General Conference of UNESCO, on November 16th, 1999, its purpose is to promote reading, writing, publishing, and teaching of poetry around the world.

This day could not go unnoticed here for Poesias da Nonô and so today I come to mark this day, open my arms to the arrival of spring and update the blog with the latest news.

Poesias da Nonô

Remember that today is also World Arbor Day and yesterday, March 20, spring started.

Poesias da Nonô

The most relevant cultural events in which Nonô participated or attended from February 11 to March 19, 2023:


11/02/2023 - Ballet "O Primo Basílio", at the Jorge Sampaio Auditorium - Olga Cadaval Cultural Center, in Sintra     O Primo Basílio

Primo Basílio

International Day of Children with Cancer

15/02/2023 - On the International Day of Children with Cancer, I once again promoted my first published book "Animais Poéticos" (Poetic Animals - available only in English) which is still up to date and reminding us of the cause it embraces - helping children with cancer and their families - by donating the proceeds from the royalties to the Acreditar Association.

Animais Poéticos

High Performance Day

18/02/2023 - High Performance and personal development day - in the morning through the internet Coaching Workshop given by João Cunha from newcode, and in the afternoon at Altice Arena an event promoted by Susana Torres which also counted with the presence of Brendon Burchard.

To do what I do I dedicate a lot of time to personal development. These are ways to calibrate and energize myself and get clarity to pursue my path.


Altice Arena

Carnival 2023

Feb 19, 2023 - it was a day to let the child inside me "buzz" dressed as Minnie.


My niece's birthday

Feb 20, 2023 - my niece turned fourteen, an incredibly special day and one that must be recorded.



25/02/2023 - Theatre - "The Descent into the Ashes", by Jaime Rocha - at 9pm, in the Acácio Barreiros Auditorium, Olga Cadaval Cultural Center, in Sintra.

Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval

Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval

Hello Poetry 2

27/02/2023 - I received my copy of the authors' collection "Olá Poesia 2" (Hello, Poetry 2) from the publisher Notag. In this collection are included three Poesias da Nonô (pages 19 to 22).

Poesias da Nonô

International Women's Day

8/03/2023 - on International Women's Day, I walked around Avenida da Liberdade looking for books. I found out about this initiative on social networks, publicized by Time Out magazine, I went with a co-worker, before we went on duty. We were so enthusiastic that we didn't even photograph the moment and we are still waiting to receive our books, which should be sent by Penguin.

Avenida da Liberdade

Avenida da Liberdade

Avenida da Liberdade

8/03/2023 - also to mark International Women's Day two poems by Nonô were read in a class at ACTIS - Associação Cultural da Terceira Idade de Sintra, Algueirão/Mem Martins branch. I leave below the two poems read: 

International Women's Day

 You've been conquering your place with a pulse

From a little girl you became a Woman,

With your noble and seductive presence

From Adam's rib humanity saw you born.


You are more than a wife,

Much more than a mother,

Nature made you a generator

You wanted to go beyond.


Your struggle is collective

You want proper social recognition

A change of mentality,

For, deep down, every human being is equal.


Written in Mem-Martins, March 6, 2018, 6:55 pm

Maria Leonor Costa (Nonô)


Remember she's a Woman


In the name of parity

A moment of reflection

A fight for dignity

The strength of union.


Take your place

With strength and determination

It's equality I'm talking about

Accept this blessing.


Different genders

With similar importance

On your skin you feel

Your sweet fragrance.


On any day of the year

You are a noble being.

A warrior capable of anything

Remember that you are Woman.

International Women's Day - March 8, 2020

Written in Mem-Martins, March 1st, 2020, 10:47pm

 Nonô Trainer

On March 6th, 8th, and 10th I was, together with three other colleagues, teaching a communication training, in online and face-to-face (hybrid) format.


Women's Day Walk with visit to Monserrate Palace

12/03/2023 - the Algueirão-Mem-Martins parish council promoted a walk in the scope of International Women's Day with a visit to the Palace of Monserrate, exclusively for women who live in the parish.

Algueirão Mem-Martins

Corpo d'Escrita | Creative Writing on Feminism(s)

14/03/2023 - I attended the third session of Corpo d'Escrita | Creative Writing on Feminism(s) whose theme was "This country is for...: challenges of childhood, adulticence and old age", at the Galveias Municipal Library. After a few sessions, an interesting and motivating group of women has been forming.

Escrita Criativa sobre Feminismo(s)

Wild Writing

3/15/2023 - I attended another Wild Writing meeting, an online session via zoom that encourages attendees to write in a free ("wild") way. 

Poesias da Nonô (Nonô's Poetry) at ACTIS

15/03/2023 - Nonô was interviewed at ACTIS - Cultural Association of the Third Age of Sintra. As a poet and to show my three published works to a group of people living in the parish of Algueirão-Mem-Martins. I leave here the video with the interview:


Poesias da Nonô

Poesias da Nonô (Nonô's Poetry) Works

18/03/2023 - After an intense morning at the gym (three classes - cycling, localized and yoga), shower and lunch, it was time to head to the Municipal Library of Sintra to give free rein to my creativity and write down Nonô's Poetries that bubble up inside me.

 Poesias da Nonô

Although this month has been a little challenging in terms of health. The truth is that, taking a final balance, it turned out to be a very productive and creative month.

I have many ideas and projects in the pipeline, which I will share with you as they come to fruition.

03/19/2023 - I finally mark Father's Day with a picture of me and my father.

Poesias da Nonô

Poesias da Nonô (Nonô's Poetry) Social Networks

Even though I am investing less time in the online world right now, Facebook alerts me to something interesting, I have not stopped being a "creator@ on the rise".

 Poesias da Nonô

I end this article with the hope that I have made clear how important culture is in our lives and the role that writing, and poetry play in mine, so that somehow, I can inspire you.

Poetic hugs and see you soon,

MLeonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô) 

terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2023

Valentine's Day

 Valentine's Day, my heartbeat with longing for you.

For those who wonder where I am? I answer: I'm around!

Poesias da Nonô

I have been absent from here, however writing continues to be part of my life.

I've been circulating, meeting new people, getting out of my comfort zone, listening, and learning.

Here is a summary of the main literary events of recent times:

01/01/2023 - I started drafting a new book of Poetry.


17/01/2023 - I gave the first autograph signing of the year, at the request of a person who bought my book Nonô's Poetry Anthology.

Poesias da Nonô


17/01/2023 - 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - First Creative Writing session on Femininism(s) - at Galveias Palace Library.

 Poesias da Nonô

18 a 20/01/2023 - 25th edition of the Course "Online Writing Techniques: Websites, Intranet, E-Mail, Newsletter and Social Networks" - INA (without photo).


24/01/2023 - 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Second Creative Writing Session on Femininism(s) - at Galveias Palace Library.

 Poesias da Nonô

25/01/2023 - First Wild Writing Session - online (no photo).


04/02/2023 - 15h-19h40 - Afternoon of preparation for contests and future of Nonô Poetry, at the Municipal Library of Sintra.

Poesias da Nonô


04/02/2023 - Submission of two poems for Wislawa Szymborska Poetry Contest.


08/02/2023 - Second wild writing session - online (no photography).


And to be able to focus, I had to say no to so many other opportunities that came my way.


Lately, although I haven't created videos, I was happy to learn that Nonô Poetry channel on YouTube has two new subscribers. This is because all of you are important to me.


Besides literature and poetic writing, in my spare time, I also dedicate my time to numerous activities. Here are a few:

- Gym (Belly Dancing, Zumba, Cycling, Localized, Pound, Pilates, Yoga and Machine).

Poesias da Nonô

- Trips and walks in nature and on the beach.

- Parties, events, and concerts.

- I relax and meditate.

And I grab every opportunity to feel alive and above all happy.

I dedicate the following love poem to you:


Day of love


Day of love

For single and married

Today there's no room for pain

Let's get excited.


Our hearts are beating

It's time to give

While some discourse

Others prefer to gift.


Together we are stronger

As friends or companions

If you're alone don't mind

There are still ladies and gentlemen.


Between evil and well-wishers

Awaken affection

Stop suffering now

Open your heart!


For today I say goodbye with love, kisses, and a strong hug, see you soon.

MLeonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

Dia de São Valentim

 Dia de São Valentim, o meu coração pulsou de saudades vossas.


Para quem se pergunta por onde ando? Respondo: ando por aí!

Poesias da Nonô

Tenho estado ausente daqui, contudo a escrita continua a fazer parte da minha vida.

Vou circulando, entrosando com pessoas novas, saindo da minha zona de conforto, escutando e aprendendo.

Segue-se uma síntese dos principais acontecimentos literários dos últimos tempos:

01/01/2023 - Comecei a redigir um novo livro de Poesia.


17/01/2023 - Dei o primeiro autografo do ano, a pedido de uma pessoa que comprou o meu livro "Antologia Poética da Nonô".


Poesias da Nonô

17/01/2023 - 18h30-20h00 – Primeira sessão de Escrita criativa sobre Femininismo(s) – na Biblioteca Palácio Galveias. 

Poesias da Nonô

18 a 20/01/2023 - 25 ª edição do Curso “Técnicas de Redação Online: Sites, Intranet, E-Mail, Newsletter e Redes Sociais” – INA (sem fotografia).


24/01/2023 - 18h30-20h00 – Segunda sessão de Escrita criativa sobre Femininismo(s) – na Biblioteca Palácio Galveias. 

Poesias da Nonô

25/01/2023 - Primeira Sessão de escrita selvagem – online (sem fotografia).


04/02/2023 – 15h-19h40 – Tarde de preparação de concursos e futuro de Poesias da Nonô, na Biblioteca Municipal de Sintra. 

Poesias da Nonô

04/02/2023 - Envio de dois poemas para Concurso poético Wislawa Szymborska. 

08/02/2023 - Segunda Sessão de escrita selvagem – online (sem fotografia).

E para me conseguir focar, tive de dizer não a tantas outras oportunidades que foram surgindo.

Nos últimos tempos, apesar de não ter criado vídeos, fiquei contente por saber que o canal de Poesias da Nonô, no Youtube, conta com mais dois novos subscritores. Isto porque todos vocês são importantes para mim.

Para além da literatura e da escrita poética, nos meus tempos livres, também vou dedicando o meu tempo a inúmeras atividades. Seguem-se algumas:

- Ginásio (Dança do Ventre, Zumba, Cycling, Localizada, Pound, Pilates, Yoga e Máquinas).

Poesias da Nonô

- Viagens e passeios na natureza e na praia.

- Festas e concertos.

- Relaxo e medito.

E agarro todas as oportunidades para me sentir viva e sobretudo feliz.

Dedico-vos o seguinte poema de amor:


Dia do amor


Dia do amor

Para solteiros e casados

Hoje não há espaço para a dor

Vamos ficar animados.


Os nossos corações pulsam

É momento de dar

Enquanto alguns discursam

Outros preferem presentear.


Juntos somos mais fortes

Como amigos ou companheiros

Se estás só não te importes

Ainda há damas e cavalheiros.


Entre mal e bem-querer

Desperta a afeição

Para já de sofrer

Abre o teu coração!

Por hoje despeço-me com amor, beijinhos e um forte abraço, até breve.

MLeonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

sexta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2023

Não leias este artigo!


Dia de Reis

Eu disse para não leres este artigo, como não prestaste atenção, estas neste momento a ler estas linhas que redigi.

Chegamos ao dia de Reis de 2023, aproveito esta data para fazer uma pausa sabática deste projeto que criei com todo o amor e carinho.

Nonô continua a escrever, a publicar poesias e a ler por aí.

Este blog tem mais de 8 anos de artigos para ler e reler, quem chegar aqui tem muito para ler e para se entreter.

Poesias da Nonô  vai continuar, por agora “offline”.

Preciso de tempo para escrever sem agenda, para viajar e dedicar-me a outros projetos e aspetos da vida.

Se a saudade apertar posso vir aqui publicar. Por agora despeço-me desejando-te um Feliz Dia de Reis e com um até breve!

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô) 

Don't read this article!

Dia de Reis

I told you not to read this article, but since you didn't pay attention, you are now reading these lines that I wrote.

We have reached Kings Day 2023, and I am taking advantage of this date to take a sabbatical from this project that I created with all my love and care.

Nonô continues to write, publish poetry, and read around.

This blog has over 8 years of articles to read and reread, whoever comes here has a lot to read and to be entertained by.

Poesias da Nonô (Poetry by Nonô) will continue, for now "offline".

I need time to write without an agenda, to travel and dedicate myself to other projects and aspects of life.

If I miss you more, I can come here to publish. For now, I'll say goodbye wishing you a Happy Three Kings Day and goodbye soon!

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô) 

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