There are decisions that are not
taken lightly. This project is part of my life and fortunately also a growing
number of followers.
After 7 years, feeding this blog,
I've already come to the conclusion that it's no use having everything well
defined because unforeseen events always arise and what seemed to be the
initial path follows a completely different course.
There are many ideas. Putting
them into practice is sometimes too challenging and it's no use wanting to do
everything because time is finite.

The dilemma here is: if on the
one hand this blog appeared as a pretext to give wings to my pleasure in
writing and my creativity, spreading it on social networks takes a lot of time
and those who were born as a writing project followed a different path.
Working alone on a project like
this has become harrowing. Therefore, I am forced to make choices that are
adequate to my current reality.
Life is not just about computers
and cannot be spent exclusively feeding a blog and respective social networks.
I have a full-time job and in my
spare time I need more time to devote to behind-the-scenes writing, new
learning, and other pleasures.
Having said all that, until
January 21st I will continue to promote “Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals), my
first book published with the aim of social solidarity.

From the 28th of January, there
will be substantial changes in the schedule, namely, only 1 post per week is
planned - on Fridays and/or on special occasions - this was the way I could
find to privilege quality over quantity and for to be able to experience other
adventures and projects that I feel the need to embrace, namely, the
compilation of my poems in books.
Register the idea here on the
blog every Friday is “Black Friday”.

For my regular readers of my
haikus, an announcement that from now on, I will only publish one Haiku per
month. In January, it will be published on Sunday, January 2, 2022 and from
February onwards, the haikus will be published on the first Friday of each

On the way to the 8th year of
existence Poemas da Nonô will expand the concept of poem to poetry I mean that
this “house” is above all a creative space and that at any time the written
word can give way to any other type of space. artistic expression. As I said
before, nothing is predictable for what we are going to let flow.
I hope to continue to count on
your daily visit, even knowing that the news usually comes out on Fridays, there
is a lot of content to read, see and listen to around here.
I take this opportunity to wish
you an excellent party to make room for the year 2022 and that the old gives
way to the new.
New Year!!!