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sábado, 18 de dezembro de 2021

Balance of the Year 2021 of the Blog Nonô Poems (Poemas da Nonô) - the 12 aspects that stood out the most:

The year is almost over. It's time for future assessments and projects.

In today's article, I'll present you the Balance of the Year of the Blog Poemas da Nonô which, as you can see, was frankly positive – I highlight the 12 aspects that stood out the most:

 1 – Two trips to television

 -SIC – January 7th:


 - RTP1 – January 18:


 2 – Creation of the book “Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals) – writing, choosing and collecting poems, contacts and invitations from illustrators, contacts with Flamingo Editora (Grupo Editorial Atlântico), with the Acreditar Association and with Luísa Ducla Soares, the author of the book's preface - a lot of backstage work during the height of the Pandemic – February/2021

3 – Publication of two books

Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals)  - May/2021

 Poemas da Nonô

- Anthology Nonô (M. Leonor Costa) included in the dispersos collection – July / 2021

 Poemas da Nonô

4 – Presence for an autograph session at the Lisbon Book Fair – August 27, 2021


5 – Launch session of the book Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals) at El Corte Inglês in Lisbon – September 27, 2021


6 – Participation in Mulherio das Letras Portugal – September 2021


7 – Celebration of the 7th Anniversary of this Blog – 2 October 2021


8 – Gathering and compilation of audios from the poems included in the book Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals) read by children in the classroom at Mem-Martins Basic School Nº1 and by children of friends and acquaintances – 35 audios in all – June 2021. A joint effort of teacher with parental permission and voluntary collaboration of children to help other children. Here I express my thanks to all of them.

9 – Filming of Nonô reading poems from the book Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals) - (40 videos – 20 in Portuguese and 20 in English) Editing of the children's audios and videos of Nonô.

10 – Assiduous dissemination on social networks throughout the year until November and increase in followers in all of them - @poemasdanono:

Facebook - 237

Instagram - 228

Pinterest - 13

Tik Tok - 109

Twitter - 26

11 – Participation of the Writing Laboratory writers group – from September 2021

12 – Numerous courses and learning -Highlight:

* In the area of ​​Personal Development:

- International Human Transformation Coaching Certification

- Unlock yourself

- Enchanter of Crowds

* Learning and encounters in the area of creative writing.

- Video Editing


It was a year of hard work, visible and behind the scenes. Many joys and many tears. Some doubts, a huge focus, rigor and sense of discipline.

One of the main lessons I learned this year was: - it is necessary to knock more than once on the same door for it to open.

Here is a balance that still leaves aside much of what was done by me and by all those who collaborated with me and to whom I thank from the bottom of my heart.

On December 30th, 2021, I will do another article where I present an outline of the projects for the new year of 2022.

Until then, continuation of Happy Holidays!

 Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

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