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terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2022

International Day of Children with Cancer

Today is International Children's Day with Cancer, to mark this date, of course, I come here to tell you about my book "Poetic Animals".

Cancer is a disease that has become increasingly common, and at an early age.

This book was created with the purpose of helping children with Cancer, in this sense, the revenue obtained is intended for Acreditar - Association of Parents and Friends of Children withCancer.

Poetic Animals” also became a project that involved children in reading the poems in the book, motivated to help those in need. The result of this adventure can be followed on this blog from September 2021 to January 21, 2022.

For those interested, find the book at the following link:

Nonô Poetry

10 reasons to acquire “Poetic Animals” - a project that goes beyond a book:



This book still only exists in the Portuguese version. It's a dream of mine to get it published in other languages.

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