Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, onde encontrarás Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e outras Escritas da Poetisa Nonô. * Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts, and Letters, featuring Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories, and other Writings by Poetess Nonô. M. ª Leonor Costa (Nonô)

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sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2022

Let's have tea with "Poetic Animals"

 Can I read this article for you? 



Hello, today I invite you to have a cup of tea with me, while I share with you some trivia about "Poetic Animals" and encourage the reading of some poems from the book.

 Poesias da Nonô

I'll start by telling you a little about "Poetic Animals":

1 - It is a useful book to motivate children and teenagers to read poetry. Later, during the school journey, this motivation can prove very useful.

In fact, with the help of teachers from Mem-Martins Basic School No. 1 and the children of friends, it was possible to produce thirty-two audios with the reading of the poems by children and teenagers, and the feedback was incredibly positive.

2 - It is a book imbued with an environmental aspect, focused on the preservation of species, each poem personifies at least one animal. The main characters are twenty domestic and wild animals (Swallow, Butterfly, Dog, Sheep, Rabbit, Seagull, Cockerel, Cat, Hyenas, Jackals and Vultures, Lion, Blackbird, Ducks, Peacocks, Dove, Fox, Mouse, Reindeer, Frog, and Cow).

3 - It is a book of poetry illustrated by different illustrators and artists, techniques, and sensibilities. Who donated their talents for a worthy cause.

4 - It is a solidary book thought and created to help children with cancer and their families. It is never too much to say that this publication reverts to the Acreditar Association, and that the first donation was already made during the month of August 2022.

Animais Poéticos

5 - This is the first book published by M. ª Leonor Costa, creator of the Poesias da Nonô  project. For those who don't know, Nonô  is short for Leonor, and those who have known me since I was a little girl, or are closer to me, have always called me that.

6 - It is a book that resulted from an ad-hoc synergy of twenty-two people, during the month of February 2021. In the middle of the confinement period. I leave here a deep thanks to all of them.

7 - It is a very current book that is hardly ever out of date. It was in the 91st and 92nd Lisbon Book Fairs, in 2021 and 2022, respectively.

Poemas da Nonô
Nonô and father Pai Luís Costa

8 - It's a book that had its launching session online with an excellent video by Miguel Oliveira and that I leave here for those who want to see or review. 

9 - It's a book that had its launching session in person at El Corte Inglês - on September 27, 2021. 

Poesias da Nonô

10 - It's a book with a preface by the writer Luísa Ducla Soares.

 Animais Poéticos

11 - It is a book that is for sale in several catalogs:


Poesias da Nonô

Flamingo h

Poesias da Nonô
Poesias da Nonô
Poesias da Nonô
Poesias da Nonô

12 - It is a book published by Flamingo Publishing.

Poesias da Nonô

I have thus highlighted twelve aspects and curiosities about a book that gave me enormous pleasure to create and about which I am incredibly pleased when I feel that people also like the book.

I will now read some poems (only by watching the video you can see which ones they are).

 "Poetic Animals" read at CCB

I leave here an extra bonus for those who want to watch. On October 7, 2022, Nonô, was reading three poems in the "Say a Poem" initiative conducted by the actor Eurico Lopes, at Centro Cultural de Belém. Within the possibilities, I recorded two videos of my interventions.

A Dream

I would also like to share with you a dream I have concerning the book "Poetic Animals", to get it translated into other languages and thus help even more children.

Poesias da Nonô

That's all for today

That's all for today

For those who want to contact me, I leave here my e-mail:

I will return with a new article here on Nonô Poetry blog and next Friday, available from 6 am onwards, I hope to be able to count on you. Until then I will be daily on social media, Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest and TikTok since inspiring people is my mission!

On Fridays I also usually update with videos on YouTube, TikTok and with an audio "podcast" on Spotify's Anchor.

If this article was helpful or inspiring in any way, I appreciate you sharing so that more people can be inspired.

I say goodbye with our usual greeting "bye bye"!

MLeonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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