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sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2024

Nonô's Poetry Balance - First Half of 2024

Hello, we've reached July 19th and that's more than halfway through 2024. It's time to stop for a moment and take stock of Nonô's Poetry project.

January until July


To date, 31 articles have been published here on the blog during 2024 (including this article):

- 18 in Portuguese

- 10 in English

- 3 bilingual

Since the blog was created, this has been the year with the fewest updates. After almost a decade, there's no shortage of ideas, only a lack of time and availability to bring them to fruition. A full-time job and a whole life going on prevent me from going any further for now. And some of the initiatives take place “offline” and I can only post a glimpse of them here.

There are several ideas and projects in the pipeline. They will gradually come to light.

YouTube channel 

Even so, I'm proud to say that the YouTube channel has 41 subscribers to date, a fact that prompted the creation of this very article here on the blog. And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for subscribing to the Poesias da Nonô channel. You are all important to me. For some, this number of followers may seem very small, but what matters is evolution.

Poesias da Nonô YouTube

Social Networks
Poesias da Nonô eis also represented on other social networks and is gradually increasing the number of subscribers - currently the numbers are:

 - 310

 - Poesias da Nonô page-   288

- 114

- 27

 - 21

 no subscribers (little publicized)

It should be added that all this is done with organic traffic.

On social media, during the month of April I created a quiz marathon, in Portuguese and English, which included read-aloud videos and images to illustrate. 

Basically, I have no idea how many readers, admirers, followers or even “haters” this project has on the different media I use to promote my poetry and creativity. However, quality is more important than quantity; if I've touched or inspired someone in some way, then all this work is worth it.

There was a time when I tried to do too much, but it wasn't working and it was killing me, and I even stopped socializing. Now I'm doing what I can and I'm getting more satisfaction out of it all. There was a time when there was little time left to write, because that time was dedicated to recording and editing videos and feeding social networks. Everything has to be weighed and measured, otherwise it doesn't work.


During this first semester, I had more opportunities to attend creative writing groups, poetry reading cycles, writing courses and even read more in public. Book fairs. And creative exchanges with lots of people.

Eventos 2024 de Leonor Costa

Nonô 's books

Proudly, I've also managed to see two of my books included in the catalogs of the National Libraryof Portugal and the Galveias Municipal Library (Lisbon). At the same time, I've been working on other books that will be published.

Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal



Publications 2024

So far Nonô has taken part in 5 publications in the year 2024, having published a total of 7 poems. You can see below which publications I'm talking about:

47th – Olá Posia 3 “Hello Poetry 3” - Notag - 3 poems - Available here


48th - Three Rooms of Love - Collection of Love Letters - Volume IV - 1 poem - Volume II Available here 

 Chiado Books

49th - Liberdade Vol. III - Chiado Books - 1 poem - Volume II - Available here 

 Chiado Books

50th - My Mother - Chiado Books - 1 poem - Volume II - Available here 

Chiado Books

51st - 9th Lisbon Poetry Festival - Editora Helvetica - 1 poem - Available here (I'm waiting for the link).

9 Festival de Poesia


This review is already long, and I'm only talking about the most important aspects of the first half of 2024. The year is still half over, and you never know what life has in store. I hope to report back later in the year. Stay tuned to the blog and subscribe so you don't miss out on my weekly updates.

This is the last post in English here on the blog. From now on, Poesias da Nonô will be in Portuguese only.

That's all for today, I bid you farewell with poetic kisses,

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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