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sexta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2023

Christmas: "It's Christmas, it's Christmas"

 This poem was published for the first time on December 24, 2014 and is part of the unpublished volume I of Christmas poetry.


It's Christmas, it's Christmas

It's Christmas, it's Christmas

Let's celebrate with the family

After dinner at a good table

We'll exchange presents.


The party starts first thing in the morning

With its preparation

In the kitchen we gather

In great excitement.


Everyone does something

You have to help

At twenty o'clock on December 24th

We'll sit down at the table.


We eat and toast

And take the opportunity to talk

After we've eaten

We'll all get up from the table.


It's time to exchange gifts

Which follows

This one's for the kids

They can't contain their excitement.


It's after midnight

The party comes to an end

And that's the end of Christmas Eve

And tomorrow is already Christmas Day.

December 17th, 2014

In Costa, M.ª Leonor. Christmas Poems. Vol. I

Poesias da Nonô


  Click here


For today I'll say goodbye with poetic kisses.

Beijo da Nonô

Nonô Poetry

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