Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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domingo, 31 de dezembro de 2023

Nonô's dreams and news - December 2023

Hello, it's December 2023, the last month of the year.

Today, December 31st, I'm here with our usual feature, in which I tell you a little about the relevant initiatives and activities, in the field of poetry, that Nonô  attends or participates in, and I also lift the veil on some of my dreams and goals so that, if you're interested, you can get to know me a little better:

01/12/2023 - The blog's image has been changed to Christmas mode and will remain so until King's Day, January 6, 2024. On that same day, the blog will go on hiatus. Work will continue behind the scenes until March 21, World Poetry Day, and I will only update with the article "Literary and Poetic Events for the following month". The decor and font will also change, but I invite you to come and visit me to see how it looks.

Poesias da Nonô

02/12/2023 - Nonô  started creating poems to take part in the Erotic Poetry Competition run by Amor Carnal. She sent in her application on 17/12/2023. 

On 26/12/2023, she received an email from the publisher that is not worth disclosing here. Basically, this is another one of those initiatives that some publishers launch as a competition, but which in reality are just ways of misleading and encouraging the poet to invest in seeing their work published. In any case, it was worth it for the stimulus of creating poems outside the usual scope and who knows, maybe one of these days they'll be published out there. 

Throughout the month Nonô continued to feed this blog with content, as well as filming, editing videos and updating social media. 

12/12/2023 - Attended the Writing group at the Palácio Galveias Library. An initiative in which Nonô began participating and which is expected to last until May 2024. In this first phase, I took up prose books that I started writing when I lived in Trás-os-Montes, but which, for various reasons, I hadn't had the time, energy, availability, knowledge, techniques, to take up again. Now, with more personal and literary maturity, I intend to bring these writings to fruition. The book I've been working on is entitled "Diary of a trip to China" and it's a book of travel literature.

20/12/2023 - It was the day I gave and autographed my second published book to a very special friend.

20/12/2023 - My copy of Atlantic Connections VIII arrived in the mail.

21/12/2023 - Snack with some members of the creative writing group.

Nonô's Christmas 

This year Nonô decided to give her family and friends her Poetic Anthology, included in the In-finita collection, and to sign autographs with special affection.

Coleção Dispersos

Nonô's dreams

I could talk here about the dreams, plans, goals and ideas I have in the area of writing and poetry. However, I'm not going to do that this month. This part of the article will probably be used in the future, in 2024, to showcase creations. This time I'm not going to commit to anything, I'm just going to let it flow.

So, another month has gone by at breakneck speed, with countless participations and gatherings in poetry and writing, as well as walks around Natal, but as always, I can only attend to a few.

You can see the highlights and achievements here. Behind all this are long hours of work and learning because it makes me happy and being happy is my purpose in life.

I'll say goodbye with poetic kisses and see you soon,

Beijo da Nonô

Nonô Poetry

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