Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, onde encontrarás Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e outras Escritas da Poetisa Nonô. * Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts, and Letters, featuring Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories, and other Writings by Poetess Nonô. M. ª Leonor Costa (Nonô)

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sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2024

9th Lisbon Poetry Festival - Additional information

Nonô Poetry

 Text included in the image: Born in Lisbon (15/08/1975). Master's degree in Documentation and Information Sciences from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. Author of Nonô's Poetry project To date, I have participated in 40 collective works and published 3 individual books: "Animais Poéticos" (Poetic Animals) (Illustrated Poetry for Children); "Antologia M.ª Leonor Costa (Nonô)", in the collection Dispersos and "Poesias Mundanas/ Worldly Poetry - Vol. I" (bilingual book available on Amazon in 6 versions). Inspiring people is my mission!”


Hello, when I read this short summary, I wrote about my literary career for the 9th Lisbon Poetry Festival 2024, because it was so succinct, I felt that some references and important aspects of my career weren't made clear enough:

- I started writing around the age of 15 (1990 - I still have handwritten poems from that time);

- On October 2, 2014, I created a poetry blog which is currently called "Poesias da  Nonô" (Nonô Poetry);

- Since 2015 I have participated in more than 51 collective works (Collections and Poetic Anthologies) and have seen around 138 of my poems, 1 letter and 1 short story published by 9 different publishers;

- In 2020, I published "Poetic Animals" and in the same year the anthology M.ª Leonor Costa (Nonô), in the collection Dispersos;

- In 2022, I published "PoesiasMundanas / Worldly Poetry - volume I" on Amazon in 6 versions - Bilingual (PT and ING), Portuguese, English, E-book Bilingual (PT and Ing), Portuguese, English.

My literary career is full of many more experiences. I just thought I should elaborate and clarify the aspects that were left vague in the short summary next to the image.

I'll be back here on the blog next week with another article.

For today, I bid you farewell with poetic kisses.

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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