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sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2021

“The Refusal of Love” of Filipa Leal in This Poem is not mine and “Bandit Love” of Nonô in Dialogue between poems – February 2021 - Month of Love




Filipa Leal
This Poem is not mine
ilipa Leal 

This poem is not mine

“The Refusal of Love”

Filipa Leal (born in 1979)

We don't have a gun to the head,

you told me. But it was impossible for you not to see,

impossible. I by your side with that pain

neck, immobile, careful, the cold pipe

on my forehead, life crashing

any time. It was impossible for you not to see

the revolver I always carried with me. That's why I slept

turned to the other side, it wasn't because it helped me

that side, it was for giving me more ways

not to die when we saw each other,

I was supposed to sleep with you just one more time,

always just this time,

always with my love turning around,

always with your love pointed at the head.

Nonô Poems

Dialogue between Poems

“Bandit Love”

Nonô (born in 1975) 

We can always choose which way we want to go. But that

choice is not an easy one to make. It does not matter what

others see. In the end it is our decision. We will feel pain in

the body, until we stop feeling anything. It will hurt in the

chest, belly, and head, but it is in the soul that the pain

register becomes deeper. Around us many notices. Pain is

revealed in physiology, in thoughts and in our actions.

Unrequited love can become a series of superficial

encounters, which in the end hurt, much more than the

break. Only once again is this our lack of courage to leave

behind, which only makes us ill. Over and over again, only

the marks of the problem experienced increase. In our

discovery of the “I”, who has never lived a bandit love?

Mem-Martins (minha secretária), sexta-feira,22 de janeiro de 2021, 6h36

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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