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sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2021

“I am the woman who kills herself for the love of you” of Andreia C. Faria in This Poem is not mine and “The woman I am does not kill herself for anyone” of Nonô in Dialogue between poems – February 2021 - Month of Love





Andreia C. Faria

This poem is not mine

I am the woman who kills herself for the love of you

Andreia C. Faria (born in1984)


I am the woman who kills herself for the love of you

and the woman for the love of someone who dies

I am the boy that is like cloudy water

in the woman for whom you die

the wet mouth of the phone where she expiates

violent thoughts like feathers

I'm the feather that opens the sheets for you

the wood chip on the table

the standby blade

that nudity bears fruit

I am what hurts the boy

and the clothes that cover it

I am the brightness of the window where the woman


Nonô Poems

Dialogue between Poems

The woman I am does not kill herself for anyone

Nonô (born in 1975)


The woman I am does not kill herself for anyone

Nourish love for others, love yourself too

Includes male and female energies

It's balance of opposite poles

It just pleases some tastes

Does not feed violent thoughts

I am the one who gives you the horizons of freedom

I let her live with intense truth

The one that doesn't hold her

in a soul

I'm an image of calm

A rebel in the silence

I am the manifestation of nature

what I believe in

Mem-Martins, Monday, February 15, 2021, 7:34 am 

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)


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