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terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2023

Nonô's dreams and news - October 2023

Hello, last month I started this new section, in which I tell you a little about the relevant initiatives and activities in the field of poetry that Nonô  attends or takes part in. This month I've decided it's also important to tell you about my dreams and goals.

03/10/2023 - The Writing group started at the Palácio Galveias Library. An initiative in which Nonô  began to participate and which is expected to last until May 2024. In this first phase, I'm taking up prose books that I have written and that I intend to bring to fruition. On the same day, I also became one of the library’s readers, with the right to a card and everything.

Palácio Galveias

07/10/2023 – Following the "My Illustrated Postcard" workshop I attended on September 23 at Casa dos Hipopótamos naLuaNonô sent her humble postcard to be included in the postcard exhibition at the Sintra Library. On October 7, at 3pm, the Ilustre Sintra exhibition opened with the presence of all the illustrators involved in this initiative. We were given a set of postcards illustrated by each of them and I had the privilege of asking for their autographs.

Hipopomatos na lua

Before and after the inauguration I had my moments of reading and writing.

Poesias da Nonô

14/10/2023 – The presentation of the collection "Duelos Poéticos - Paixão a Duas Almas" (Poetic Duels - Passion for Two Souls) took place at the Aliados Philharmonic Society and at Tasco do Strauss - this collection contains two poems created by Nonô  together with João Dórdio. One of the texts was initiated by me, the other by him.

Poesias da Nonô
João Dórdio

11, 18, 24 and 25/10/2023 Nonô  attended the cycle of Live Sessions The Way of the Book - Your Literary Journey by Analita Alves dos Santos.

Como deixar um legado

21/10/2023 - Presentation of the book "The Awakening of Consciousness with Family Constellations" by Maria Gorjão Henriques, in the cultural room at El corte Inglês in Lisbon, in the same room where "Poetic Animals"  (Animais Poéticos,) was launched on 27/09/2021.

Maria Gorjão Henriques
Maria Gorjão Henriques

22/10/2023 – The launch of the Anthology of Contemporary Portuguese Poetry "Entre o Sono e o Sonho" (Between Sleep and Dream), which includes a poem by me.

The launch event took place at the Lisbon Soho Club, located at Rua de Cascais, n.º 57, Alcântara, in Lisbon.

The launch event for TOMO II took place at 6.30pm.

TOMO II contains poems by authors whose first names start from J to Z.

Chiado Books
Poesias da Nonô

25/10/2023 – Womens' AM book club – Louise Hay, "The power is within you" – Nonô  read this book, took notes and took part in this club, this time at a hotel in Aveiro.

O poder está dentro de ti

28/10/2023 – Poetry Slam Sintra 2023. Just like last month, Nonô went to the Poetry Slam at Sintra Municipal Library.This month's session had no competition and the readings were entirely free.

Poetry Slam

Nonô 's dreams 

Today I'm here to tell you about one of my dreams. One of the goals I have as a writer and poet. Anyone who writes builds a legacy, touches people's lives and deserves public recognition. One day I hope to be worthy of a plaque like Hans Christian Andersen's, which you can see in the photo below.

Sonhos da Nonô

So, another month has gone by at breakneck speed with countless participations and gatherings in poetry and writing, as always, I can only attend to a few.

Here you can see the highlights and achievements. Behind all this are long hours of work and learning because this is the purpose of my life.

This section will return on November 30, 2023, until then you can follow the articles I publish.

For today, I bid you farewell with poetic kisses.

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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