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sexta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2023

Worldly Poetry: "I have a cold"

 This poem was published for the first time on October 8, 2014 and is included in volume I of Nonô's third book - Worldly Poetry. 

Worldly Poetry

I have a cold

We are in autumn

The weather has begun to change

I slept a little uncovered

It was enough to constipate me.


My nose drips

I have a sore throat

Hurts me the whole body

I feel very unwell.


An annoying malaise

That is bothering me

I should take something

To quickly cure me.


A Brufen or Ben-u-ron

With water I should take.

But it could be an allergy

With those medicines, it won't go away.


I can also try with honey

A sweeter cure

Just got to be careful

Not to be bedridden.


These are the so-called seasonal fruits

A cold or flu

Seasonal illnesses

That come and go.

Written: October 7, 2014

In Costa, M.ª Leonor. Worldly Poetry. Vol. I


  Click here


For today I'll say goodbye with poetic kisses.

Beijo da Nonô

M.ª Leonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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