Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2021

Eight News and Return

 Tomorrow, February 1, the blog Poemas da Nonô returns to its normal activity.

However, there have been some changes and there are news.

1 - Nonô's poems logo has been improved

This logo was created and improved by me.

Poesias da Nonô
Previous logo
Poesias da Nonô
New Logo

2 - New trip to Television

I went on television again to present the book I created with Sara Guerreiro (a fighter who unfortunately lost the fight against cancer on 12/24/2020) and live, Grupo Atlântico, committed to publishing free of charge, through from one of its publishers to Chiado Books, this book whose profits will revert entirely to the oncological cause that united us and ultimately separated us. Following is the part of the program, which was kindly provided by RTP1 and some photographs taken from that moment:

3 - Return of Videos

The videos will come back, starting tomorrow, with a new look and dynamics. Hope you like it? I leave here a small sample of the first. 

4 - February Month of Love and Change of image

February will be entirely dedicated to love.

From today until the 28th of February the blog is dressed in love.

In fact, this year, every month, when the blog is active, will be dedicated to a specific theme. I can already say that March will be dedicated to flowers.


5 - Schedule of the Weekly Agenda

Every day, starting at 6 am, a new poem, court or haiku

The distribution of weekly themes remains the same, however, now also dedicated to a larger theme. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for my creativity.

Monday - Reborn Childhood

Tuesday - Amores Platónicos or Alma Gémea

Wednesday - World Poetry

Thursday - Catharsis of Words

Friday - This poem is not mine and Dialogue between poems

Saturday - Courts

Sunday - Haikus

6 - I accept sending poems from other authors for me to read and illustrations

I'm receptive to receive poems from others who want me to read on video and publish that blog.

I also accept proposals from illustrators to assign an image to my poems

Should send to the following email:

7- Next Publications to include Nonô poems

We are still reaching the end of January and I have already participated in 4 poetic anthologies. Are they:

Winter Breeze - Declaimer Editions

Collection Women of Letters Portugal 2021

Burrow   Writing collection - In-finita publisher

February Pampering - Place of the Word

8- One last novelty

This month the letter chosen for the poems is Lucida Handwriting.

That's all for today, I will continue to bring news. I have plenty of ideas and gradually I am putting them into practice.

My goal is to continue to be:

“A lover of culture, the arts and letters  inspiring with poetry, haikus and tales more and more people ”

Knowing that you are there is very important to me.

You can always leave comments and suggestions.

Stay tuned and thank you for your attention,

Nonô (M.ª Leonor Costa)

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