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sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2022

End of Marathon 4.7 and last day of Golden September

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End of Marathon 4.7

Fotografia do Início da Maratona 4.7

Hello, today the 4.7 marathon ends (more details here). This initiative started on my birthday, August 15, 2022, and lasted for 47 days. Tonight, I will release the last poem. I confess that at the beginning I wasn't even sure what I was going to do and what direction I was going to take. It was an interesting challenge and one that kept me motivated to write.

Today, September 30, 2022, this initiative ends in the social networks of Nonô Poetry. You can still check it out on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

 Last day of Golden September

Nonô Poetry

On September 1, 2022, I changed the blog's image to highlight a cause that I consider very noble and useful in view of the number of children who, unfortunately, suffer from cancer. Despite everything, they face the disease with a lightness worthy of admiration. In addition to them, there are the families who also suffer.

During my process of fighting my cancer it was from the children that I got my inspiration to continue. Therefore, when I created the book "Poetic Animals" I decided to donate the proceeds to Acreditar, my gesture being a way to repay the good energy I received and that makes me still here. This way, I lift the tip of the veil of what comes next, Golden September will be succeeded by Pink October.

Golden September ends here on the blog, however everyone's awareness of childhood cancer should remain present all year round.

For those who want to contact me, I leave here my e-mail:

I'll be back next Friday, day of a new article, available from 6:00 am, I hope to be able to count on you, here in Nonô  Poetry Blog, until then bye bye!

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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