Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2022

Poetries or Poems, what are they useful for?

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Poetry a remedy for the soul

Hello, today begins a new season of the year. Here in Portugal, we begin autumn. After the summer is over, it is natural that gradually the temperatures begin to fall, which can invite to a greater recollection and who knows to explore something new.

Nonô Poetry
Remembering my first published poem 
Poetries or Poems, what are they useful for?

For all those who wonder what poetry is for, or why write poems at all? My answer is "poetry is a medicine for the soul".

I speak here of:

1 - Writing, creating, thinking, sketching poetry.

2 - Read silently or aloud, sing, or recite poetry.

3 - Listen, hear, feel poetry.

4 - Associate poetry with other art forms and our way of life.

Nonô writing

Having said all this, what are Nonô Poetry for?

My poems, they are not mine, they go out from me to the world. They echo in my thoughts; I stubbornly register them. What I write and what is read can be something abysmally different. That doesn't matter to me! The reader can and should take my words wherever they want. My mission is to inspire people, preferably in a positive way.

Nonô News

For all those who like to be up to date with Nonô creations I share here two news:

1.ª - My poem entitled " Tell me you don't" was: "After analysis, we are happy to inform that it was selected to appear in the work Between Sleep and Dream - Vol. XIV" - Chiado Books Publisher

Entre o Sono e o Sonho

2nd - My two poems, "I found a star outside the sky" and "I wrote you a poem in the sand" will be included in the collection Conexões AtlânticasVII, published by In-Finita.

Conexões Atlânticas

Three last minute news items (there was no time to include them in the video):

1.ª I am very happy to announce that my copies of "Worldly Poetry - volume I" in Portuguese, English and bilingual version sent by Amazon have already arrived:


2.ª I am grateful and proud to disclose that the books "Animais Poéticos" (Poetic Animals) and "Antologia Poética M.ª Leonor Costa (Nonô)" in collection Dispersos - are already available for sale at the bookstore Gatafunho, in Oeiras:

 Poesias da Nonô

3rd Three poems by Nonô were selected to appear in the publication "Hello Poetry 2" from Edições Notag, with the following titles:


“I See Planes Passing by”

“Conditional Love”

Poesias da Nonô

Golden September

The initiative to raise awareness for childhood cancer, or pediatric cancer, is still ongoing here on the Nonô Poetry blog.

I remind you that the book "Animais Poéticos” (Poetic Animals - Available only in Portuguese) is a solidarity book, the proceeds from the royalties go to Acreditar - Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Cancer.

Poesias da Nonô

Marathon 4.7

Photograph of the Start of the 4.7 Marathon

Until September 30, 2022, the marathon 4.7 continues to run on the social networks of Nonô Poetry (more details here). We are already on the 40th day of this challenge I launched to myself, it's almost over, you can still check it out on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

To contact me, I leave here my e-mail:

I hope to be able to count on you next Friday, here on the Nonô Poetry blog, day of a new article, available from 6 am.

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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