Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, onde encontrarás Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e outras Escritas da Poetisa Nonô. * Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts, and Letters, featuring Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories, and other Writings by Poetess Nonô. M. ª Leonor Costa (Nonô)

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domingo, 2 de outubro de 2022

Happy 8th Anniversary of Nonô Poetry! And new image for October 2022

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Nonô Poetry 8th Birthday!

Hello, today, October 2, 2022, we celebrate the 8th anniversary of Nonô Poetry together.

It has been eight years, quickly, since the day this blog went public, this occurred on October 2, 2014.

This was not my first blog. I made my debut as a blogger in 2006, when I created a page where I promoted my collection of black and white cows - "Spotted Little Cow Club".

I started writing poetry at the age of 15, however, it was only later that I made my creations public. Initially on other blogs I had, which I have since abandoned to dedicate myself exclusively to this one.

I still remember the moment when poetry took such an important role in my life that I felt the need to create this project.

At first this blog was called "Uma Poesia Por Dia" (A Poetry a Day), then it became "Poemas da Nonô" (Nonô Poems) and this year it changed its name to "Poesias da Nonô" (Nonô Poetry).

This started as an anonymous project, as I didn't have the courage to make it public. Today, without any shame or embarrassment, I assume it publicly.

When, in 2015, a poem of mine was accepted for publication for the first time, I even felt butterflies in my stomach.

I have reached the present day, with 3 published books and participation in more than 38 collective anthologies.

In 2021, I managed to create a solidarity book Animais Poéticos" ("Poetic Animals" – until now available only in Portuguese) and thus help children with cancer. For this cause and for this book I could count on a preface by an established writer Luísa Ducla Soares, the collaboration of several illustrators, friends, and children and with the Flamingo Publishing House and no publishing costs.

Poesias da Nonô

In the same year of 2021, I created a second book gathering all the poems and texts I published until May 2021 - Poetic Anthology of M. ª Leonor Costa (Nonô) included in the collection Dispersos, of the publisher In-finita and available for consultation at the National Library of Portugal (For those interested I have some copies with me for sale to the public).

Poesias da Nonô

Recently, in August 2022, I published my third book, "Worldly Poetry - Volume I", in six different versions, available to the public on Amazon. Worldly Poetry is one of the most fruitful themes of my poetic creations.

Nonô Poetry

I have met countless poets and poetesses along the way and have been through the selection of various publishers and anthologists.

I have attended and am attending numerous training courses in various areas that leverage me to obtain self-confidence and successful results.

I have even had the opportunity to go on Portuguese television.

I enjoy joys and sorrows. Successes and failures. Certainties and doubts. This entrepreneurial path is often lonely.

Deep down, the most important thing is to inspire people! Today Nonô Poetry is Happy Birthday and I, MLeonor Costa, mentor, and author of this project, hope to count on all of you to blow out the eight candles.


New image of Poesias da Nonô for Pink October 2022

Yesterday, October 1st, I changed the image of the Nonô Poetry project because during the month of October I propose to talk about cancer and especially breast cancer. Today I won't go any further, since this article is, above all, to celebrate the 8th anniversary of this project.

On October 7th, the first Friday of the month, I will talk, here on the blog, in more detail about "Pink October".

It started yesterday, October 1st and will go on until October 31st, in Nonô‘s social networks the Pink Marathon, you can follow it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.

For those who want to contact me, I leave here my email:

I'll be back with a new article here on the Nonô Poetry blog next Friday, available from 6am, I hope I can count on you. Until then I will be daily on social networks because inspiring people is my mission!

On Fridays I also update YouTube and TikTok with videos and an audio podcast on Spotify's Anchor.

I say goodbye with our usual greeting "bye bye"!

MLeonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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