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sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2022

Pink October - Hope and Faith

 Can I read this article for you? 




Hope and Faith

Hello, as I announced on Friday last week, in today's article I'm going to tell you about hope and faith, two indispensable ingredients during the process of fighting cancer and in other trials that life offers us. 


I speak here of hope as a synonym of expectation that everything will work out in the end.

Despite the pain, the constraints, and the adversity, better days will come.

On this topic I wrote on April 11, 2017, the poem "Glass Half Full 


As far as faith is concerned, it appears here as a synonym for a feeling of belief in something spiritual and as trust and credibility. On this aspect I also drafted a poem on July 24, 2017 - "I gain breath"  

Final observation

Faith and Hope are not exclusive positions in times of trial, but they are, without any shadow of a doubt, two especially important pillars to face adversity.

I hope that everyone who has access to this article will share it and be able to feel and trigger these two mechanisms to help you or those who need them.


That's all for today

For those who want to contact me, I leave here my e-mail:

I will return with a new article here on the Nonô Poetry blog next Friday, available from 6am, I hope I can count on you. Until then I will be on social media daily Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest since inspiring people is my mission!

On Fridays I usually post episodes of "Can I read this article for you?" in video format on the Blog, on YouTube, on TikTok and in audio a "podcast" on Spotify's Anchor.

If this article was helpful, or inspiring in any way, I appreciate you sharing so that more people can be inspired.

I say goodbye with our usual greeting "bye bye"!

MLeonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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