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sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2022

Pink October - Five years later!

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Pink October" Movement

Today, I finish the round of articles related to cancer, in the context of the "Pink October" movement. This important movement originated in the United States of America, during the 90's of the twentieth century, to inspire change and mobilize society to fight against breast cancer. Since then, all over the world, the color pink is used to:

- Honor women with breast cancer.

- Raise awareness of prevention and early diagnosis.

- Support research in this area.

The main events related to this initiative are:

- October 13: World Day for Metastatic Breast Cancer

- October 15th: Breast Health Day

- October 30th: National Day for Breast Cancer Prevention

Five years later

Poesias da Nonô

Five years later, I can talk normally about this subject. I try to lead a more meaningful life.

In a way, I feel that cancer was an ordeal to bring out the best in me.

Poesias da Nonô

Today I focus my attention on what I consider to be truly important.

- I follow all the recommendations of my doctors.

- I exercise regularly.

- I pay attention to what I eat.

- I drink more water.

- I stay away from conflicts and toxic people.

- I deepen my spirituality.

- And, of course, I keep my creativity active, and you will have access here on the blog and social networks.

I can tell you that I have gone through numerous and profound internal changes. I am far from who I was.

I am far from who I was

Poesias da NonôI am far from who I was,

When evil took hold of me,

Once a beast,

Today, a sweet jasmine.


Troubled metamorphoses,

Deep transformations,

Facing life new poses,

Beware of my emotions.


Light and hopeful,

For everyone, the future is uncertain,

I accept this pink phase,

It's all right!

Mem-Martins, sitting at my desk

Friday, October 14, 2022, 6:48 PM

That's all for today

I hope this round of articles has been useful for you, or for someone close to you? Your answer can be left in the blog comments, can be sent by form or by email address:

I will be back, here at Nonô Poetry Blog, next Friday, with a new article, and a new theme, available from 6am, I hope I can count on you.

You can always follow me daily on social media: Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest and TikTok, since "inspiring people is my mission!"

The Pink Marathon will run on social media and will last until October 31. The month of November will be dedicated to the "Uni-verse Marathon."

On Fridays, I usually post episodes of "Can I read this article for you?" in video format on the Blog, on YouTube, on TikTok and in audio, a "podcast" on Spotify's Anchor.

If this article was helpful, or inspiring in any way, I appreciate you sharing so that more people can be inspired.

I say goodbye with our usual greeting "bye bye"!

MLeonor Costa (Poesias da Nonô)

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