Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, onde encontrarás Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e outras Escritas da Poetisa Nonô. * Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts, and Letters, featuring Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories, and other Writings by Poetess Nonô. M. ª Leonor Costa (Nonô)

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sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2021

Father's Day and collaboration in a new publication

 The week that now ends has been a busy one. I was sick and that prevented me from making the normal update of the blog, videos, podcast and respective dissemination on social networks.

However, I answered an invitation and was selected to appear in the II Volume of the Anthology Liberdade (Freedom), which will soon be published by the publisher CHIADO BOOKS. The poem I wrote is entitled “I was free, but I didn't know!”. When the book is published, I publish the poem here on the blog.

Chiado Books

Today is Father's Day!

To mark this day, I leave a poem written for my Father that can also be used by other parents. Happy day to all!

Nonô Poems


My male model

Sometimes dullness

Price to get me up

If I accidentally punch myself.


Being an adult

Look at me like a girl

Even though I am cunning

I'm your female version.


He likes music

Play piano

In this metaphysical reality

It is present in everyday life.


We have long conversations

We share ideas

Similar in thought

And the same blood in our veins.

My secretary (Mem Martins), March 18, 2021, 9:18 pm

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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