Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto criativo de Cultura, Artes e Letras, Poemas, Quadras, Haikus, Contos e Escritas da autoria da Poetisa Nonô / Welcome to the creative project of Culture, Arts of Poems, Quatrains, Haikus, Short Stories and Writings by the Poetess Nonô (Alter ego de / of: M. ª Leonor Costa)
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segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2021

March - theme, schedule, balance of February and invitation

 March - Theme and Program:

The month of March, here on the Poemas da Nonô blog, will be totally dedicated to flowers. The schedule will be slightly changed. There are updates on interim days, that is, every other day. Here the idea is half the quantity, twice the quality.

The themes continue to appear on the same days of the week, but now every 15 days:

Monday - Childhood Reborn

Tuesday - Platonic Loves or Soulmate

Wednesday - Worldly Poetry

Thursday - Catharsis of Words

Friday - This Poem is not mine and Dialogue between Poems

Saturdays - Quatrains

Sundays - Haikus

This schedule is only changed when the following two new themes arise:

- In the third of March - we have Stroryem - a poem about a historical event, legend, ephemeris, personality, etc.

Nonô Poetry

- On the last Thursday of the month - we have Newsoetry - a poetry written about current news or events.

Nonô Poetry

The letter for this month is: Gabriola

The blog image is: changed from the 1st to the 31st of March.

Nonô Poetry

On April 1, a new theme will begin, on that day I will tell you what it is.

My photo for this month is:

Leonor Costa

February balance:

The month of February 2021 was entirely dedicated to love. Fortunately, a large part of the creation of the poems was ensured during the month of January, as last month it was difficult to maintain the regular schedule of videos and podcasts because another project needed my energy and focus. I have been making contacts with illustrators to prepare a new book of illustrated poetry entitled “Animal Poetics”. I managed to gather 17 illustrators in all, 14 Portuguese, 2 Brazilian and 1 Spanish. The management of this project prevented the normal creation of videos.

However, the contract with the publisher Flamingo, included in the Editorial Atlantic Group, has already been signed. Soon I will announce the launch date of this project that I am very proud to have participated and organized with a group of 22 people. I feel a deep gratitude for having attracted this project to my life and for having counted on the help of all these people, because without them it would not have been possible, in a record time (20 days) to write a book.

When I know the date of publication of this book, I will gladly announce it.

I show here the illustration that I drew for the book and that illustrates a poem entitled “The cows graze in the field”

Nonô Poetry

Last month I started having podcasts of poems here on the blog. Another way to spread the written word and reach a larger number of people.

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The logo of the Nonô Poems blog was also changed last month:


All these events left me bubbling with creativity. I have several ideas to put into practice and as in addition to the blog I have a full-time job, to be able to meet the schedule and raise the quality levels, I find myself in the obligation to reduce the number of blog updates. I will continue to work behind the scenes to create other projects around writing and poetic creation in its different aspects.


I invite all those who are interested to illustrate poems of my own. They can be professionals or amateurs. They just need to contact me via email:

I am also available for partnerships around the arts and letters.

I hope you enjoy what I have been preparing with all the love and care. Feel free to comment and enjoy the best of my work!

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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