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quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2021

“Não é o que dizes” in Poesias Mundanas - Fevereiro de 2021 - Mês do Amor



Poesias Mundanas
Poemas da Nonô
Poesias Mundanas

Photo by luizclas at Pexels changed with

It’s not what you say

 It's not what you say

That's what you do

That reveals what's inside you!

It's not the vows that promise

Are the acts that you have

They are more subtle.


It's consistency

Between word and action

The externalization of your inner being.

Your choices and persistence

Accompanied by the heart

They help you in any act of love.


in Worldly Poetry, Mem-Martins (my secretary), Monday, January 21, 2021, 6:19

Nonô (MLeonor Costa)

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