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Ou não …
Por hora
deixo-te partir
E por mais
que doa no meu coração.
ficar o respeito
A recordação
dos bons momentos passados
sentimento que arde no peito
efemeramente dois namorados.
encruzilhadas da vida
Dura escolhas
há a fazer
Jamais serei
Foram intensas
trocas de prazer.
Fizeste a
escolha mais fácil
Não a mais
Eu levei
uma bofetada.
Mem-Martins, sentada num banco nas Galerias Butler,
Poema manuscrito,
30 de agosto de 2018
One day I may meet you again,
Or not …
For now, I'll let you go.
And as much as it hurts in my heart.
Let it stay the respect
The memory of past good times
The feeling that burns in the chest
Joined ephemerally two boyfriends.
At the crossroads of life
Hard choices are there to make
I will never be forgotten
They were intense exchanges of pleasure.
You made the easier choice
Not the right one
You showed yourself fragile
I took a slap.
Mem-Martins, sitting
on a bench in Butler Galleries,
Handwritten poem,
August 30, 2018
11:45 a.m.
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