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Onde estiveste e com quem
Quanto fingiste ser quem não eras
Te pintaste de mensageiro do bem,
Sei quem enganaste
E trataste com desdém
O quanto erraste
E mentiste também.
Sei como o tempo passa
E com ele tudo muda
Recordo diluídas imagens
Por instantes fico muda.
Comboio (Barcarena),
Poema manuscrito,
4 de março de 2019,
I know what you did last summer,
Where were you and with whom
How much you pretended to be who you were not
You painted yourself a messenger of good.
I know who you cheated
And you treated with disdain
How much did you miss
And you lied too.
I know how time goes by
And with it everything changes
I remember diluted images
For a moment, I'm speechless.
Train (Barcarena),
Handwritten poem,
March 4, 2019,
7:26 p.m.
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