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terça-feira, 20 de março de 2018

Poesias Mundanas / Worldly poetry - O inverno na Primavera / The winter in spring

The winter in spring
Imagem retirada da Internet e manipulada com/ Image taken from the Internet and manipulated with:

O verão prolongou-se,
Solarengos os dias permaneceram
O frio demorou a chegar
Os termómetros tarde cederam.

Veio a Ana e o Bruno,
Depois a Eleanor, a Gisela,
E agora o Hugo,
Temos de manter cautela.

Nos dias que correm
Já nem o tempo é como era,
No presente vivemos
O inverno na primavera.

Mem-Martins, Sintra, Portugal,
Poema escrito a computador,
17 de março de 2018,

The summer was prolonged,
Sunny the days remained
The cold was slow in coming
The late thermometers subsided.

Then came Ana and Bruno,
After Eleanor, Giselle,
And now Hugo,
We have to be cautious.

In the days that run
Even time is not what it used to be,
In the present we live
The winter in the spring.

Mem-Martins, Sintra, Portugal,
Computer-written poem,
March 17, 2018,
13:20 p.m.,

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