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sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2015

Poesias Mundanas / Worldly Poetry - As papoilas no campo / Poppies in the field

As papoilas no campo

As papoilas no campo

Pintalgam a paisagem de encarnado.

Aparecem no relvado verde

Tornam tão bonito o prado.


Flores silvestres da primavera

São bonitas de ver

Sinal de vida e de fertilidade

É lindo avistar no campo as papoilas a nascer.

Poema manuscrito: Autocarro de Lisboa com regresso a Chaves,
12 de maio de 2013
In Costa, M.ª Leonor, Poesias Mundanas. Vol. I
Worldly Poetry
Poppies in the field

Poppies in the field

Paint the landscape red.

They appear on the green lawn

They make the meadow so beautiful.


Spring wildflowers

Are beautiful to see

Signs of life and fertility

It's beautiful to see the poppies springing up in the field.

Handwritten poem: Lisbon bus with return to Chaves,
May 12, 2013
In Costa, M.ª Leonor, Worldly Poetry. Vol. I
Nonô Poetry

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